Aaron (
lollirazor) wrote the following post, and it sums up everything I wanted to say, but with much more grace, dignity, and charisma. Read on.
"It's not cruelty to animals, It's cruelty to the audience ...and that's a beautiful concept.
http://www.wetterlinggallery.com/archive/nathalia/nathalia_main.htm so, all of a sudden, a million livejournal people are in an uproar over nathalia edenmont's artwork. i've seen it like.. four times on my friendslist today alone. now there's some petition? whatever. being an artist, i really am not sickened or offended by her work in the least. she does her own thing, whatever, who the fuck cares. it's not directly affecting anyone else. if you're offended... don't look at it.
i know it says on the website that the animals 'were killed in as humane a way as possible'. okay, so, maybe they put that there for shock value? put it there so people WOULD get in a big uproar over it? and if so, it's obviously working. crazy notion though it may be. using shock value to get a reaction?! my god! no, hundreds of performers, musicians and artists haven't been doing that since forfuckingever or anything.
i remember seeing some of her pieces on the wetterling gallery a few years back and thinking 'wow, that's pretty original. some of these pieces are quite intriguing. i would like to learn more about this woman.' not 'omg that cunt let's rip out her uterus!1!111!! blah blah blah she's so horrible!'. and ask anyone that knows me well enough and they will tell you that i generally have more compassion for animal's lives than i do for most humans. i'm sorry if this makes some of you really angry with me. really, i do not mean to offend, and i respect all of your opinions on the subject as just that -- your own personal opinions... and this is mine. quite frankly, i do not think that some online petition is going to stop her from doing her work the way she sees fit, regardless of whether they might happen to take it off the web or ban it from galleries or, well, whatever it is you're trying to accomplish with all of this business. with all your angry words and your signatures on this petition, you do realize all this is is a form of censorship, correct? sure, you may not like it. sure you may be offended by it. but that's really what it is, plain and simple -- something i thought all these "punk" kids were supposedly against. proved me wrong, i guess.
i don't know. call me sick, crazy, asshole... whatever you want. if you want to unfriend me, go ahead, but it'd be just because my ideas differ from yours, and that's pretty lame. like i said, i respect all of your opinions, but i'm choosing to voice mine here. i cannot say that i would ever be able to bring myself to kill an animal -- even in the name of art, as important as it is to me -- but i also cannot say that it affects me in the least what this woman does.
and what kills me is that over the years, all through my friends page, i've seen hundreds of pictures of mutilated human bodies, malformed fetuses, and human deformity photos in posts from a LOT of you, and no one bats a fucking eyelash until you see some mouse finger puppets or a severed cat's head on a vase. try working on human compassion before you bitch incessantly about what nathalia might [or might not for all we know] be doing.
i should make a petition too. a petition to ban the internet! because obviously, without the internet, none of you would have seen this terrible offensive, awful material. if you'd never clicked the fucking links in other people's journals and fallen into the 'save the animals' hype, this big mass hysteria bullshit situation wouldn't even be happening. i've seen plenty of things online that i've thought were disgusting or offensive, but call me crazy i thought there was some law protecting it. now i realize all i have to do is make some petition, have a few thousand people sign it, and we can just fucking get rid of everything that *i* find offensive [please note my dripping sarcasm here, ladies and gentlemen]...
...like this whole fucking topic, for example.
in the end, do whatever you want. your opinions are yours and that's fine. sign the goddamn thing if you feel the need, i don't care. i just think the uproar you're all in is ridiculous.
now i'm done."
So, umm, deal with it. PETA fucking suck,s by the way. I hate those retards.