great weekend i must say, very busy but overall i think everything went very well and I'm pleased with it all...
friday was last day of classes and was the first night of my dance recital... went pretty well. My mom & dad came... but no others, I didn't care thou because my parents were really proud of me and i felt really good about myself...
saturday woke up and got ready by 10. wow... i don't know why i was up so early. but my parents woke up and i took a little mourning stroll through the ghetto. When i returned we went out to pano's and a few stores on Elmwood. Got to see tony so that was nice...i hung out with him until 6... went home and got ready... sara came to my recital that night as-well as my grandma, jean, and my parents. another amazing night... got an award for IMPROVEMENT in jazz... which is great considering i was so close to now dance is over until september...gunna miss it even thou at times i do hate it...
Got home and went to mighty burnass with sara... she left, tony & derrick came over for awhile... damn me! always hurting my poor tony <3 heh. i sorry!!! i always hate saying goodbye... But today was Amy's bridal shower, i was to tired to even be happy... came home and took a nap and i shall do study... got 2 exams tomorrow *sigh*