Glen is being a canadian!

Aug 05, 2004 16:24

The cruise was hella awesome dude! I made soo many close friends! Theres, little tyler(blondie), big tyler, jesus, kritsy, jen, chelsea, jessica, Jeff, Justin, Summer, Rory and thats all i can really remember. I will tell you the days i remmber.

1st didnt really do anything so just walked around the boat then after dinner went to the teen center and had a lot of fun. Blondie was wearing a pink shirt lol that has to take guts.

2nd day: Went to the teen center cant really remember what i did but then Me, Tyler, and blondie went to the club me and blondie got kicked out :( so tyler came with us and we hung out on the stairs and talked till like 1:45, 2 in the morning then they took me back to my room.

3rd day: The boat docked in canada which was tons of fun! My parents took me to this big garden thingy. The only part i liked aobut that was the HUGE rose garden there so that was cool. Then went shopping found this awesome store it was kind of like hottopic. I was gunna get a nirvana shirt but my mom said it cost too much which was bullshit since canada cost less then the us so i ended up buying 2 shirts for school. Then went back to the boat.

4th day: Dont really remember much but played the ten fingers game and talked about kinky stuff with chelsea, blondie, jesus and jeff and tyler joined in later lol. Hung around the boat with jesus before dinner then met up with jeff, jen and kristy. Then hung out wiht jesus a little bit more then dinner. Dont remeber anymore

Ok i dont remeber anything else in order so im just going to tell you events lol.
Me, Tyler, jeff, kristy, jen, and justin found our little secret spot where we could just sit and talk. Me and tyler would always fight for the couch lol. Played baseball hit a lady with the ball and she got mad so we ran off and found another place. Kept getting kicked out of the club. Summer hits poeple alot. Then formal night chelsea, kristy, and jen did my hair and i actually looked like a girly girl lol it was scary that night we had a teen club. Blondie asked me to dance with him :) i think hes cute. Made up the wet chair game lol lol!! Thats pretty much all i can remeber right now so i'll tell more when i think of it lol.

Anywasy now about people. Tyler was EXACTLY like mike except with out the lying and cheating part and face and hair was different. Then jesus lives in miami and is in a band the ride home so hopefully i'll see him again. He has a reallly good signing voice. Blondie i have to admit was really cute.It was soo weird all the guys on the boat always held the door open for you and were really nice and like home noone does that lol. Well im gunna go now this is a really long entry. Todays my dog's b-day!! oh and mike used me...again! Danielle you were worng about that one you said id be happier didnt help.
-Midge (My new nickname! hehe everyone on the boat called me that)
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