- Leave a comment saying "Oh god, it's full of hamsters!"
- I'll respond by asking you five questions to satisfy my curiosity.
- Update your journal with the answers to your questions.
- Include this explanation and offer to ask other people questions.
I got my questions from
Karnimolly, and they are:
1. What is it that makes you like characters from animes, movies, etc? What makes you dislike them?
2. When did you get into the whole alchemy stuff?
3. Tell me a movie you would recommend ^^
4. What do you like most about Divine? <3
5. What do you think about the German language?
1. This one is actually kind of tricky, as I frequently end up liking or disliking characters I don't expect to. It's usually a pretty good bet that characters who seem flat or undynamic won't rank high with me, or that anyone who runs around toting easter eggs will instantly make my 'love' list. And I always latch onto characters with a sense of class or fashion. I also tend to feel very strongly for religious characters, especially if they undergo some kind of test or crisis of faith. Unrepentant villains are some of my favorites, because sometimes people are just rotten, and I am sick and fucking tired of villains who get a free pass for trying to blow up the world or whatever just because they are misunderstood. But then again, I love conflicts where it's actually just dueling ideologies so the 'villain' is entirely dependant on viewpoint...
Augh. I could go on forever. In short, I have no idea! If anyone had told me I would end up loving Judai, I would have laughed in their face. And then punched them. But I think whether or not a character is ever forced to account for their actions has to figure in there somewhere. What a weird criteria.
2. I first got interested in alchemy very young, somewhere between eight and ten years old. At that time I had no idea what I was getting into, let me tell you! It kind of grew naturally out of the fact that I was a chemistry spaz at the time and that my mother was going through this 'religious crisis' type thing that resulted in my sisters and I getting dragged to every church, mosque, temple, tarot parlor, and new-age shop in the greater Olympia area for a few years. I had always been fascinated by Christianity courtesy of my upbringing, but that period opened up whole new doors for me and made me aware of religions I never would have dreamed existed. Pair that with some books from antique shops and estate sales...when I realized you could have religion and chemistry in one place, at the same time, baby, I was GONE.
This was also the period that introduced me to a lot of other cultural and lifestyle alternatives to what I was familiar with. I spent a lot of time hating this period of my life, but honestly, now that I look back on it it's been really major in forming who I am today in a lot of ways. So thanks, mom!
3. Haha, I have no idea what kind of movies you like! Uh...if you haven't seen 'Harvey', you can't go wrong with that! Even people who don't like 'that kind of movie' always seem to love it. It's just a wonderfully fun, silly romp that also manages sneak in some valid questions about the price of happiness and what consitutes sanity in a culture obsessed with the norm. Also it has Jimmy Stewart and anything he does is automatically epic. =3
4. Can I just say 'everything'? I like his sense of style and aesthetic, his utterly blatant Green Dragon references, his total lack of repentance or remorse for anything he does, the way he justifies without seeming to care about justification. He just knows that He Is Right--not for everyone, sure, but to everyone who matters in his view. He compromises his beliefs and ideals for NO ONE, and damn, I wish I had stones like that. I love that the man can take a statement of self-affirmation and twist it into an instrument of destruction without changing anything about it. I like how it always seems like whatever happened, whatever went wrong, he was still completely in control of the situation and he knew it. Or even if he wasn't, he just carried a sense that he knew how to get control back and work with things from there. Saying 'oh, well, he'll definitely come back' doesn't really feel like a fan grasping at hope or shrugging it off as YGO's Death As a Revolving Door Clause in his case; it just seems like a naturally acceptable fact that Divine can't die because it's not in the plan. As a guy who's spent most of his life with zero confidence and feeling like he didn't have a handle on anything, this dude is just seriously impressive.
And I like that he can do all that and be all that, and still make people genuinely feel better about themselves. The fact that he took people who were completely alienated, burned out, and broken by the world and turned them into functioning human beings again, gave them a place they could feel they belonged, regardless of his reasons, just astounds me. So yeah, let's just go with 'everything'. It is probably unhealthy that I look at someone like this and think 'damn, that blackmailing arms dealer who drugs and electrocutes small children would make an excellent role model.'. He's pretty hot in a gas mask too PLEASE DISREGARD THAT
Keep it classy, D. Keep it classy.
5. I...I just love German! I love the way the language sounds, and I like the way it feels when you speak it. I also love the way it looks in written form, though I admit I am abject terrible at writing it myself. I'm a bit gay for languages in general but goddamn, German is just so much fun to speak and listen to! Oh god I just love it! 'I need to get better at it so I can use it all the time!', that's what I keep telling myself. I'm just so terrible at following through.
I guess I'm also taking other questions if there's anything anyone's been burning to ask me.