I'm leaving on the fourth and on the fifth I will have no hair. Time flies when you're having fun!
The company finally sent me my phone, but forgot to include the headset, so I won't be able to get to work until I get back from Boston. Fucking' hell. I'm starting to understand why these people need so much extra tech help--they've bot their heads so far up their asses problems are just inevitable.
And I ran the MOST AMAZINGLY BAD INSTANCE GROUP EVER in WoW the other day. As in so amazingly bad it was actually the most awesome thing I have ever done in that silly game. It went through sixteen people! That's like...a raid. Is it some kind of record? I'm curious about this now.
☆ Leave me a comment if you want to do the meme.
☆ I will reply with 6 of your icons, and then you have to post this up and describe them!
I took up a '100 Icons Challenge' for Takuto Kaneshiro/Ryo Soma, from Argento Soma, which is one of my favoritest animes ever even if it does largely come off like another of the seven hundredty gajillion NGE knockoffs. After I made this one, it was inevitable that someone who nerdrages/nerdsqueals as much as I do would use it.
It's actually a play on a joke my mother told me from her grandmother: "The trouble with Greek Gods is that they're always goddamn Greeks". So really I'm calling Takuto and myself goddamn geeks, which is also totally totally true.
This one seems popular to ask about! I'm not a big KH fan but I love masterminds and I love a good berserker, so Saix kind of clawed his way into my heart. And BlackLillian's 'OXIII Days of Christmas' art was pretty goddamn hilarious. Poor swans.
The 'taest liek chikin' is an old berserker-class injoke from tabletop sessions.
GX fills me with so much nerdy glee! I don't care if I'm reading too much into it, I will continue to squeal and flail uncontrollably about alchemic progression and coo over the sacrifice of claws to the dragon and false ascension and BWEE~ If other people can gush about pairings then goddamnit I should be allowed to gush about The Fool's Journey.
...This is actually a remake of a Ryu Soma icon I did but it was just far too appropriate, really.
I really, really, really like using crayons. =D
This is actually a panel from a webcomic my girlfriend reads but I saw it and needed it in icon form.
...Do I lose cool points/man points for admitting that I enjoyed FFX-2? It was just such a fun, silly romp. Having female eyecandy instead of Ambiguous Theoretically Male Prettyboy eyecandy was a nice change...as was female characters who didn't need a guy to save the day...uh...even if they did dress like strippers half the time...
Er. Anyway, I found this icon in a general FF community and pretty much sprayed orange juice out my nose. Poor Gippal. Fandom doesn't seem to want him to have any poon. This actually applies to pretty much every male character in every fandom I'm in, actually. Seriously ladies, the fuck? Let me tell you from experience, not all men are gay!
I like David Bowie and I like Emperor Mateus.
I found this on a Dissidia community and snapped it up, much like the Gippal icon, cackling maniacally the whole time.
In other news, this CD is really making me want to do those Burn It Down-verse pics for Immi so I think I'm going to go draw crazy dead Peruvian god-zombie boys now.