Okay, SO.
Jacob and the Man In Black (MIB from here on) are enemies. Jacob is meant to be good, MIB is evil.
Jacob is there to protect the Island, and I think to keep MIB there so he can't wreak havoc on the world. The second part is my guess, though, based on how badly MIB wants off the Island now that Jacob is dead. And how he kept saying he was imprisoned.
Jacob could leave the Island (to visit the candidates) but MIB apparently could not. More reason to think Jacob is like a prison guard.
Richard has been Jacob's helper, I guess? Jacob gave him immortality somehow, and Richard has been the liason between Jacob and whoever is in charge of the people on the Island that we've come to know as the Others.
Jacob and his numerology have figured some things out, and somehow Jacob picked the Oceanic 815 folks, found them, touched them, and brought them to the Island. It's being made pretty clear that most of their life was influenced by Jacob.
Jacob uses hidden manipulations, and MIB delights in pointing out how Jacob never tells anyone anything, trying to emphasize that the people he's manipulating are being used. BUT... MIB does the same thing. He may tell people up front what he's doing, but he also has some hidden secret agenda. Jacob uses secrecy for good, MIB uses "openness" for bad.
Ben & Widmore are rivals in the way that Jacob and MIB are rivals. Richard (as proxy for Jacob) recruited Ben at a very young age. I have no doubt that Widmore was recruited by MIB at some point. The popups in tonight's recap of last week's episode pointed out that Widmore told Locke there would be a war, and Locke had to get back... probably Widmore knew that MIB needed Locke dead in order to impersonate/be/look like/whatever him.
Perhaps the candidates are candidates for replacing Jacob OR MIB? Otherwise I'm not sure why Widmore would have wanted Locke to get the Oceanic 6 back to the Island.
Hm. Am I missing anything?
There are definitely still holes, but the puzzle pieces are coming together. I get the feeling that it's like a giant chess game between Jacob & MIB.
On a more shallow note, I'm really kind of mad that the previews for this week's episode were all "OMG BEN'S GONNA DIIIIIEEEEEE" and then... nothing. All we got was him crying and being pathetic. I know I'm supposed to feel bad for him and pity him and like him now, but I can't. He's done too many things out of his own self-interest for me to just up and love him suddenly. Okay, so maybe he's starting to realize that being a selfish little weasel isn't the best idea, but it's still going to be a while before I trust him one bit.
Also, I'm kind of mad that the preview was so blatantly misleading. That's just not cool.
Oh, and I can't decide if I'm happy or sad that we haven't seen Penny & Desmond. On the one hand, if we don't see them it means they are probably off somewhere living happily ever after, and that is a Very Good Thing. Buuuut on the other hand, I miss seeing them. I adored them both <3
Oh oh oh oh aaannnnd. Hurley needs a new shirt. I hate that he's wearing a red shirt. It makes me nervous. HURLEY MUST LIVE FOREVER, YOU HEAR ME LOST WRITERS? FOREVER.
Okay, I'm going to bed. I've been super tired lately, to the point where I'm making very dumb, ditzy mistakes.