Nov 08, 2009 01:26
So today I got the "Desktop Edition" of Write or Die, and wowwwwwwww talk about motivation. I did 5 10-minute sprints and wrote 2,632 words. 2,632 words in 50 minutes of writing. AND they are pretty good words, I think! I'm happy with them, anyways. I have yet to really resort to any blatant word padding like dream sequences or my character going to a random concert or visiting a museum. I'm very happy with the pacing of my story, and I'm happy with the quality of what I've written, keeping in mind that it is a "first draft" kind of thing. I'm very, very happy with how things are going this year.
As of tonight, I'm at 13,840 total words. I was behind as of last night, so today I caught up and got a full day ahead. Tomorrow I want to do 5,000 words so that I can earn my "Rally" merit badge, because of course I bought the merit badge stickers from NaNoWriMo. It's kind of amazing how motivational a sticker can be.
I love NaNoWriMo. I really do. I mean, it's fun enough to bang out a novel in a month, but add in the regional activities and all of the cool people you meet during the month, and it's really like a month-long party of awesomeness.
And now, I'm going to do some planning. I'm feeling a little lost this year without having everything plotted in advance. I'm not sure if it's because I plotted everything so thoroughly last year, or if it's because I have a plot from my polls and I'm worrying about sticking to it, but the feeling is there. So I'm going to bang out a rough outline for the rest of the novel and see how that helps. There are some details I need to work out ahead of time, anyways, so I don't write myself into a corner.
Have I mentioned that I'm really happy with how this novel is turning out? Because I am <3
Okay, off to work on this, and then to beeeeeeeeddddddddd. For sleeps.
eta: Oh, and I know that I just got Write Or Die: Desktop Edition today, but I really want Liquid Story Binder, too. Apparently it's on sale for the month of November and oooooooo it looks so pretty.