Whooooooooo life

Oct 11, 2009 23:16

My feet hurt. I spent tonight making cookies. You see, my mom gave me her old stand mixer when she got a new Kitchenaid one, and I had to try it out to make sure it wasn't damaged while in transit to my apartment. I am happy to report that it is in perfect working order. And now I have lots of cookies to take to work tomorrow. I made my chai oatmeal cookies, and also some toffee and chocolate chip cookies. Toffee + chocolate = nom nom nom.

I have been listening to They Might Be Giants alllllllll night.

I spent my last two nights volunteering at After Dark In The Park, a non-scary semi-Halloween festival kind of thing at River Legacy Park. On Friday night was in the craft area with sparklyaria, helping kids make owl puppets out of paper bags. I posted a picture to Twitter of Al 2.0. The original Al was added to the sign for the owl table because he was such an awesome owl. I had so much fun watching the kids make their owls, and having them name their owls. I think my favorite owl name of the night was "Petals".

Saturday night, I was put on the Starlight Stroll with gutterballjen, where we were put in charge of flashlights for the Eyeshine trail. Basically they had a bunch of little reflectors on popsicle sticks made to look like eyes, hidden all along this short little dark trail. We gave flashlights to the kids to hold by their head, and they were supposed to try to find all the pairs of eyes, and thus learn about how some animals have a reflective layer in their eyes to help gather light. Of course, most kids just wanted to run down the trail with the flashlights, so we let them. There was one kid who went down the trail with his dad, and they spent a really long time trying to find them all, reeeeeeally exploring. With us at the table was a Mexican Red-Kneed Tarantula, which attracted even more kids than the flashlights. He didn't have a name, so Jeni and I named him Paco. The guy that was guarding him and talking about him to the kids was really cool. He also had the spider's skin from the last time it had shed, and he let the kids touch that to keep from aggravating the spider too much. Since it was chilly, he had a couple of hand warmers that Paco sat on to keep warm. Paco really was a nice spider.

What else? Tomorrow is back to work. Things have slowed down a bit, so things are less stressful. I'm taking almost all of my cookies to work to give away, because whoa so many cookies. Next weekend I'm babysitting, going out to my aunt's house after work on Thursday and staying through Sunday. After that, it's all about planning things for the NaNo kick-off.

Speaking of Nano! I hope you all have voted in my first poll! I'm so excited to finally have the first poll going. I'm probably going to get up early Wednesday to check it and post the next poll. I really hope I end up with something fun to write.

cooking, life, nanowrimo, tmbg, work

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