May 09, 2009 01:04
- 09:43 I am waiting for my stomach to realize I've not eaten since lunch yesterday. And waiting for 11:00 so I can meet my mom & aunt for lunch. #
- 09:55 @ jchutchins I ordered two copies yesterday- one for me, one to give away on #
- 10:00 @ ladychantee I didn't eat dinner last night because I fell asleep! #
- 10:01 @ gutterballjen So you are texting in class with your prof RIGHT THERE? #
- 10:06 @ ladychantee Oh, I've been up late every night this week! Even when I went to bed, I didn't fall asleep :P #
- 10:09 @ ladychantee Jason's Deli! Mmmmmmmmmmm. #
- 15:21 @ helsinkis What happened with your bank? I think I missed something. Tell them to stop being jerks. #
- 15:24 @ startelegram I don't get the "controversy" over the red-light cameras. If one gets caught running a light, it's not the camera's fault... #
- 15:26 I am way full of delicious salad. I don't want to move. But I have Things To Do! Seriously, my list is 13 Things long. I'd rather nap. #
- 17:10 Looking up uses for whey and getting ideas. Meat marinade? Cooking rice? A sweet syrup? And of course I have to treat the cats to some. #
- 17:23 @ wingedmonkey Snow White? What? #
- 17:51 Just applied to UTA. Eeeeep. Hope I can find funding. #
- 18:16 @ gutterballjen Just submitted it! #
- 18:25 FAFSA filed, now it is time to play Animal Crossing while my ricotta continues curdling. Today is a day of diverse activities! #
- 19:17 @ coollike You'd better hurry up and get some tea in you, or you might be declared un-English! #
- 19:35 So I didn't realize that making ricotta from a gallon of milk would yield a gallon of whey... I guess I'll have a lot to experiment with! #
- 19:36 @ gutterballjen Go Jeni go! #
- 19:37 @ drhorrible I can't wait! #
- 19:48 My ricotta tastes like ricotta! Also: People who drink whey are crazy. It tastes funny. Even my cats agree. #
- 20:59 Dollhouse was awesome. "Watch your step!" #
- 21:00 @ callaflower A few hours, but most of that time was waiting, so I was only in the kitchen maybe... 30 minutes? #
- 21:08 @ callaflower It is a TOP SECRET THING but uhhhhhh... you guessed it :P #
- 21:26 @ feliciaday @drhorrible @nathanfillion. If Joss is there, tell him congrats on airing a full season (of awesome) on FOX. #
- 22:46 @ pwopah I don't know any popular pop songs... I fail at life! #
- 23:11 - Voluntarily laying next to each other! #
- 23:11 My cats are voluntarily sleeping next to each other, crowded on my desk. Are pigs flying? Or are they just teaming up to knock stuff off? #
- 23:14 @ nathew I finished it yesterday :) #
- 23:20 @ kalium Whatever the reason, it didn't last long. After knocking off two books & my camera dock, Hawking gave up to sleep on the couch. #
- 23:27 @ nathew <3. I especially <3 Charlie. #
- 23:31 Tonight seems to be the night for book-related spambots. DEAR SPAMBOTS: I WILL BLOCK YOU. #
- 00:12 I am up to NINE spambots with usernames relating to books. NINE. In one night. I'm blocking every one to help get them shut down. #
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