
May 03, 2009 01:03

  • 10:24 Banking screwup defeated! And now I can pay rent. Whew. All before noon on a Saturday, too. I deserve a medal. #
  • 17:51 RT @postsecret: Today, if 1,000 of you ReTweet the #SaturdaySecrets, I will give $1,000.00 to 1(800)SUICIDE. #
  • 17:52 Just did 50 min of Gold's Gym, and then Step Aerobics on Wii Fit. Hellzzzzz yeah. Time for Animal Crossing and laziness :P #
  • 17:54 Wait, that radar is ugly. Here's hoping the power isn't knocked out. I hate dealing with Resetti. #
  • 17:55 It's fun living so close to the airport- I can literally watch storms on the radar dissolve around me as they get close to the Bubble. #
  • 20:32 Starrrrrrrving. Can't decide what I want for dinner. I haven't really eaten at all today, I should fix that. #
  • 22:17 Just watched the Last Ever episode of Pushing Daisies. So sad it's over. Also, I can see where they added the "epilogue" to the episode :( #
  • 23:14 @ gutterballjen Where else is drama supported by Viewers Like You? #
  • 23:16 @ gutterballjen What other PBS is there? #
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