Meme time!

Apr 13, 2009 00:12

Picture meme results time! I made a post here where I requested requests for things to photograph.

Request #1, from theotherbaldwin: My computer desk.

I got this desk for $15 from a coworker who was selling everything in her deceased father's house. I love it. Okay, so the middle drawer isn't seated right so it hates opening, and the bottom right drawer sticks a bit, but it is great nonetheless. First off, it HAS drawers. My old one didn't. It also has character, because it's pretty old. Oh, and it came with stuff already in it- I now have a stapler, a bunch of paper clips, a stack of small square pieces of paper perfect for making little notes, and a letter opener with the letter 'J' on it. Nice!

Request #2, from joytoykid: My favorite outdoor spot

This is a terrible picture, because it was actually kind of dark when I took it, but my camera tried valiantly! My poor camera really does it's best. Anyways, it's my porch/balcony, facing this big tree that I love, during a storm. I love my porch during a good storm. My porch faces south, and my upstairs neighbor's porch hangs over mine just a bit, so I'm pretty well sheltered from any rain no matter how crazy the storm. I love to go out there when it's storming. It's very, very relaxing. I would love to have a sky chair or something out there.

Request #3, from gutterballjen: the thing/place/person/whatever that makes me completely happy
This one was going to be a picture of my cousins, until I realized that my aunt might not be happy with me posting pictures of her kids online. So instead, it's a collection of things that make me very happy.

My heart melts every time I catch Tesla sleeping. She looks so sweet when she's curled up like that.

My apartment makes me happy. Not only it is a nice place, in a good community, but it just plain makes me happy that I have my own place. I've been living on my own for a few years now, but it still feels like an accomplishment. It's MINE, and I'm paying for it on my own, and that's something I'm proud of even if it means I live paycheck-to-paycheck without lots of fancy things.

This is George. He is my best friend when I've had a crummy day. He's got a pocket on his butt where I can plug in my iPod, and the music plays from his headphones-which-are-actually-speakers. The basic gist is that I can hug my music. After a bad day, I queue up The Weepies' "Say I Am You" and set the sleep timer and it's the best for relaxing and falling asleep.

Hawking may be incredibly annoying sometimes, but she's really pretty cute most of the time.

My kitchen. I love that I can just wing it, and start with random ingredients (sometimes literally, if I'm using my dad didn't label very well so I don't know what it is until it's thawed) and end up with something delicious. Like tonight, I started with some random cut of either deer or elk (it was not labeled at all), diced into stew meat, and ended up with orange-beef style meat on lo mein noodles, in less time than it would have taken to order chinese food, and with much less fat/calories/bad stuff/MSG. Rock on. Plus, being creative in the kitchen is sort of my happy thing. That is, it makes me happy, and also it is a sign that I am happy. When I'm stressed or upset, I don't feel like cooking, so I tend to grab something crappy and bring it home, or I eat ramen or something similarly lazy.

I love getting things in the mail, and I love books, so is pretty much designed specifically to make me happy.

Request #4, from notyourbroom: KITTENSNAKE. That is, a photo of a cat from directly above in which cat appears to have no limbs.

I love the look of disdain Hawking is giving me here. Also, I notice that this picture makes her butt look big. Don't tell her that, though.

Request #5, From fluffy_cloud: the geekiest thing I own.
This one is hard. I've got plenty of geeky things. My favorites, though are these:

My pumpkin pi, and the pencil gutterballjen's little sister gave me. I also have a pi blanket, two pi shirts, and a handful of pi icons. And possibly other things I'm forgetting. It's kind of a sickness. You have no idea how happy I was when I read the thing about pi in Contact.

Albert Einstein, being attacked by a tiny Vashta Nerada while a Slitheen looks on.

Meanwhile, slightly to the right, a tiny Tenth Doctor is jubilant over the defeat of a tiny Weeping Angel.

Now, time for random pictures from the weekend! Because I like taking pictures.

Hawking is a rotten little monster. She had spent most of the day today pawing at my blinds, pulling at them and making noise in an attempt to get my attention, instead of actually coming over to me to be petted. Every time I would turn around to tell her to stop, she ran to hide under my papasan chair, and gave me this look of innocence.

This picture says a lot about my cats' personalities. Tesla is sitting there completely nonplussed, while Hawking investigates the camera and gets in the way. Those are her whiskers going across the picture, and the side of her face to the right of the frame.

After babysitting from 7am-2pm (in Rockwall, by the way, so I had to leave at 6am to get there... ew!), I took a nap, and when I woke up Hawking was wrestling with her monkey. It used to be my monkey, but Hawking has declared it to be her Mortal Foe, and she drags it around and re-kills it every few days. I keep finding it in different places. For a while it lived in the bathroom, now it is back out to the living room.

Sunrise! I took this as I was getting close to my aunt's house, driving over Lake Ray Hubbard. I always like driving over that lake, and it was especially pretty with the sunrise.

I like the clouds in this one :D

And then, sngingcircusdog posted a meme about ICONS. Since I have about a billion icons (where a billion = 160), I decided this would be a good idea. TEH RUELS:
1. Reply to this post, and I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

Icon 1:

The Tenth Doctor is absolutely adorable when he's poking at technical things. "It goes BING when there's stuff!" is one of my favorite lines ever. Plus, he's just really good at MacGuyvering doodads into doing stuff. At one point he calls this "jiggery pokery" and thus this icon was born.

Icon 2:

I snagged this icon when I was expecting to make a lot more posts about hooping. Then I realized that I'm terribly uncoordinated. So hooping is done just for fun, and I don't talk about it ever really. But I still kind of like the icon.

Icon 3:

I call this one LOVE PIE. It is from Pushing Daisies, but it was only on screen for about half a second. It's from the episode where Chuck wants to make mini-pies, called cup-pies, and Ned says no up until the very end of the episode. Then he showed her the new menu with the cup-pies added, and this was on the top in the corner. I don't remember how I even noticed it, but I caught it, did a screencap, and made an icon out of it. It's so cute! Much like the rest of the show <3

Icon 4:

Our microwave at work was blinking the word "FOOD", how could I NOT take a picture and turn it into an animated gif? I mean, come on. An added bonus: I've been told that the smudges from the microwave look like smudges on the viewer's screen when I use this icon in a post.

Icon 5:

I found this gif somewhere, and wanted to make an icon out of it. Of course, given my lack of photoshop skills, it was really hard and I spent forever working on it, but I eventually got it small enough to suit LJ's standards. And now, even though I never use it, I can't bring myself to delete it because I worked so hard on it.

Icon 6:

Someone somewhere posted a screencap of a Peter Pan game, and I made spinooti this icon. Then I liked it so much that I kept it for myself.

Whew. I've been working on this entry for over an hour! Geez louise. Time for bed!

pictures, neeerrrrrrd, icons, cats, happy things, apartment, paperbackswap, meme

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