Jan 23, 2009 01:48
- 10:10 @ kazama Season 1 is on DVD. Season 2 is not. ABC didn't air the last 3 eps, & they are basically blowing it off. Jerks. #
- 10:11 @ kazama Also: 1TB for $100? I might have to borrow a Costco card from someone. #
- 10:14 Today is a day for listening to STYX. It feels so cheesy, but I love it. #
- 10:15 @ kazama How long is it going to be at that price? I have a tax refund coming. #
- 10:44 @ pwopah It was rumored they would be aired May/June ish, but then the Head Guy basically said "meh" b/c there are only "6 fans". Jerk. #
- 12:52 @ BadAstronomer Oh geez, that's awful. That poor little girl. #
- 15:07 @ gutterballjen Doooooo it! There are clearly no flaws in this plan! #
- 15:32 @ gutterballjen Between you and the door, that you could nab it on the way to the bathroom? #
- 15:57 I have lost all desire to work. Work is soooooooo last season. Pffft. #
- 16:40 Am suddenly so sleepy I can hardly see straight. Tempted to crawl under desk and nap. Boss *is* gone... #
- 16:59 Dear Excel: When I type in 01, do not automatically change it to just 1 or make me have to change the formatting. Leave my numbers alone. #
- 17:09 Just realized why I like this lip balm so much- it smells like playdough #
- 22:38 @ callaflower But playdough smells like childhood! Also keep in mind that my nose confuses smells. Like tea and fruit loops. #
- 22:40 @ jchutchins The Happening is a terrible, terrible movie. I am glad I did not pay to see it. #
- 23:05 This is why I love the internet: is.gd/gV3r (I think my neighbors can hear me laughing probably. Sorry, neighbors!) #
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