Apr 03, 2008 22:19




I knew you could join groups and list your yarn stash and all that but you can ALSO inventory your NEEDLE STASH (omg) and and AND AND AND you can send Revelry a text message ASKING IT IF YOU HAVE A CERTAIN NEEDLE SIZE.

Holy crap that is AMAZING. So, like, when I'm shopping for yarn, and I see yarn I love that calls for Size 3 needles, I can just send a texty and find out if I have the right needles! THAT IS GENIUS. You can also print out a little PDF of your needle chart. GENIUS. Ravelry really is a site designed by a knitter, fo realz.

Also, on Saturday I am going to take my yarn outside and photograph it in natural light. Expect a big huge yarn pr0n post! Between Simpatico's closing sale (*sniff*) and my visit to Threadbear in Michigan, I've got some wonderful yarn.

(Don't worry, non-knitters, I'll put it behind a cut)

knitting, capslock, omg

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