So I'm working on item 87 on my
101 Things List, and it is making me so happy. I am listening to all of the Joy Electric albums in order of release.
First was Melody. Oh, Melody, I love you. So sad, but hopeful at the same time! And so... magical. And long! 18 whole songs! And the liner notes are the best thing ever. "To Melissa, I love you I love you I love you." How can the world be a bad place when it includes an album like this? 18 magical wonderful songs dedicated to a new wife. Drum Machine Joy! The Girl From Rosewood Lane! The Electric Joy Toy Company! ♥♥♥
Then Five Stars For Failure. Because Melody wasn't sad enough, Ronnie did an EP just to show people what sadness was. But oh! Courage! Keep Him In Your Thoughts! That remix of Girl From Rosewood Lane! Mmmm, yes please.
Oh hello, We Are The Music Makers. I will admit that I'm not wild about this album. I never have been. But you know what? It's STILL got some fantastic songs. If I could dedicate one song to my friends, it would be
Hansel. Through the lonely years I will hold you/ I will, I will. Also, Burgundy Years and I Beam You Beam are fantastic songs.
Oh, the Old Wives Tales EP. If any single CD will make a person want to go back in time to the "old days", this one is it. The Cobbler is love love love. Marigoldeness is love. That dorky wonderful picture of Ronnie on the back cover is lolarious love.
Have I ever told you guys about how much I love Robot Rock? This album is the reason I love music. Specifically, Monosynth.
Here, go watch the video. It is ridiculous* and wonderful. You get to see Jeff Cloud be a ceiling fan! Anyways, it was a while before I saw the video, it was really the song that made me go "OMG you mean that music exists that doesn't suck?" I listened to that album obsessively for about... I don't know a couple months. It still makes my heart happy. Every single song, when the beginning notes play, my heart just swells with joy. I love this album so, so, so much.
Tomorrow is CHRISTIANsongs and The White Songbook. Tune in to watch my head explode from the juxtaposition of those two albums!
*as a rule, all Joy Electric videos are terrible.
Burgundy Years in 1994, then
Monosynth in 1997, then
Children of the Lord (featuring the Ronnie Dance(tm)) in 1999, and then
Song For All Time in 2004, and finally
Quite Quieter Than Spiders which is, quite frankly, the worst video EVAR. I refuse to watch it again. Someday, someday, we will get a good Joy Electric video. We hope and pray for one, anyways.
EDIT: I just rewatched the Children of the Lord video, because I had to upload it to youtube and I wanted to make sure it wasn't completely broken, and OH MAN. It is so cheesy but so WONDERFUL. First there is the wonderful RONNIE DANCE, where he looks like he really really has to pee. Guys, he STILL dances like that, it is amazing. Then there are the token "HARDCORE" kids, there to totally date the video as a product of the 90s. My favorites are the blue mohawk girl, who is totally BLUE (ha ha ha get it?) and the girl in the yellow room who is all ditzy, and the Jeff-Cloud-Clone who looks like he is talking to a small child. And did I mention that this video features the Ronnie Dance? Because that is awesome.