Jun 20, 2007 19:51
I feel really, really good right now. I went to the gym and worked up a good sweat (20 min on the treadmill, 20 on the bikey thing) and then came home and took a shower and then ate a delicious salad. My goodness, there really is nothing quite as nice as having a cool, crisp, refreshing salad after you've just washed off a good sweat. I'd forgotten that.
While I was enjoying dinner, I was also reading more of Hugh Laurie's book. I'm just getting to the part where everything is going to happen, so I'm going to go read some more.
Oh, and the rice balls were very much appreciated by Preggo #2. All day I kept hearing "Jessica, have I told you how much I love you?? Because I do." ...as she ate another one. I think next I'm gonna have to make Fire Crackers for her, because she loves those, too. I'd have to get pepperoni to go with those, though. They are pretty much the best thing ever when paired with pepperoni. I should probably find something I can make for Preggo #1, too, but that's harder because 1) I don't know her so well, and 2) she's got more pregnancy-related health problems than I could shake a stick at.
Man, I feel good right now. Hurrah for endorphins!
PS: This mood icon is made a million times better because I know what is happening in this episode :D