I went to the GYM today. I wore my shorts and worked out. Okay, so according to some of my coworkers they aren't really shorts, because they are knee-length, but you know what? That's more leg than I've shown in years. My pasty, round calves were nekkid, so all the world could gawk at the random, lonely freckly on my right shin.
I just sort of got in there and did half an hour on the bikey thing, but by the end, yeah, I was feeling it. Probably because I have a tendency to set things too high and then kill myself. Then I set up an appointment for Monday to get my free "fitness evaluation". The universe was totally smiling at me, because the trainer who happened to be standing there when I expressed interest in this deal was the really attractive-looking one with all the interesting tattoos. I saw him in there when I was with dad getting my membership set up. On his left forearm he has a big atom, and on his right arm he has a sleeve of some random design with random images laid over it. I don't remember any particular ones, but I remember seeing them and thinking "That's interesting, I wonder why he had that permanently marked upon his body?"
I guess mostly I'm excited to see the tattoos up close. I wanna know what they are. They are not the normal "MOM"-in-a-heart tattoos.
ANYWAYS. Gym = YES. I'm looking forward to going back. Just as I expected, I didn't let myself slack because I totally felt the eyes of every single person watching me and judging me.
(Yes, I know, no one in there gives a rat's patootie who I am or if I slack off. But it's darn good motivation, know whut I mean, Vern?)
Other good things that happened today: I got my sunglasses fixed, I got my
book in the mail, and a lady at work selling a couch lowered her price from $300 to $200, so I might just go for it, since next month is a three-paycheck month.
I am feeling faaaaaantastic.