WEMF 2007

Jul 27, 2007 15:37


it starts with my job. - Security. Star Security does events like concerts & will usually control Alcohol movement. Yeah, I knew it was going to pay off one day when i first felt like an ass for paying $240 for the training. It turns out the company who took my money WAS a scam & I didn't really need their help.

SKIP - Jully 18th - Jeff " Joe, can you work WEMF - 3 day rave?"

ME - " FUKK YES!! when !! ?? "

I had to change my shifts around at Fortinos to get Friday 20th off so that I could get to WEMF. I GLADLY gave my shift away to someone else. I was just so excited & didn't even know the list of Artists at the event. PSH.. who cares!! I've never been to Destiny 3day rave and now i GET PAID TO GO!!!

FRIDAY - I met with Cindy at my house, she needed to take care of the ratties before I left for the weekend ( but i gave her my house key to come in Saturday anyways). I left home by 12pm to catch the 'sketch bus' at 2pm. I has the shits all morning .. not too fun. So between trying to keep my ass closed & trying to find food that won't make it worse, I had a great time preparing for a long long weekend. Ahh. 2pm - the bus.. people were doing K on the bus ride - cause ' this will make the trip more fun". Some guy was tripping out & yelling .. so many other people were sketched out he'd get them caught. It was likea druggie intervention to get this guy quiet. At first they started joking around & yelling too ..so it wouldn't seem to obvious like ONE person was out of it. meh.. annoying. ON TOP OF THAT - They were aware of other security guards at the front ..wearing uniforms.. I wasn't.. lol.. these people are so clueless about who is who.. that's how i entertain myself in the boring world. ta da ..YOU are my drugs to cure me of boredom ..and guess what.. YOU DO IT FOR FREE!!

I get to Welland, Ontario (WEMF 2007) at about 4:15. Stood waiting for security people to come tell us where to go. I figured that a Security would be more organized.. but as I work more for these guys .. their just like me - in it for pussy & glory!! lol .. not really, but .. just for fun. I love free shows - so do they. But standing around looking clueless does not look good to the line of guests waiting to get it. I'f i was watching this - i'd be serious worried about my health during an event made 'secure' by these dorks standing around looking clueless. SKTECHY!?! sure it was.. but hey ..its' a fukking rave!

Friday 6pm - shift starts. I was going to suggest to someone where I'd wanna be placed..but I just decided to listen carefully & make sure I was part of a team that was going to the right buildings. I had looked over the events listings of who was playing where & when on my way in. yeah.. I got excited. I needed a towel. I grab my coat & off I go with the team. Get to building A - World Of DNB - 4-4 Stage (house/trance) This is the main building for artists. The was only 2 buildings. A & C .. don't ask.. I never got an answer either.

SET LIST - my memories of each set as they occurred.
I quickly realized I was standing in the wrong side of the building. I had picked a door near the trance stage. I started talking casually with other guys positioned in the DNB room if they’d switch.

6:30 - 7:15pm - DJ Crash
- I never heard of this guy but he played some easy tunes to get into. As the crowd got larger he would put on slightly more familiar tunes. A decent start to the mix.

7:15 - 8:00pm - D-Syfa
- As far as I remember this was a Breakbeat DJ. The room was very very dark. The smoke machine was on for the light effects, but over time this made it difficult for me to see people in the room.

8:00pm - 9:30pm - Ryan Ruckus Vs Premis
- This is where the crowd was think. I was told to “watch for smoking inside & alcohol“. Now, we all know that ravers use LED lights for EVERYTHING. A small red LED near the mouth looks like a smoke .. so I gestured too many people that had only a light in their mouth instead of a smoke. Yeah, ya gotta feel a bit foolish at that point - ruining their buzz.
This was a DJ & MC combination so the crowd was getting into things more. The building was a hockey rink size split in half, so there was a lot of room to dance. I felt so mad I couldn’t barely move around - let alone dance.

9:30 - 10:30pm - Spence aka DJ Slim
- Breakbeats - it was a nice change up. The previous MCs were talking about the room size & how ‘ even if it’s early just use the space to dance.” I figured that anyways.. I mean 3days of dancing people are probably getting high & drunk now and plan to dance later.
Breakbeats are nothing like I thought. It sounds like slow jungle so It was not a far cry from the usual stuff. Interesting part was the tones & sound effects used in production. I liked how it was open for more things per bar.

10:30 - 11:30 - Freaky Flow
- A famous local DJ from Toronto - this guy can throw down. Not only was he there but he had 4 MCs - Caddy Cad, etc. I only remember one name, but some other guy from the UK. Yeah.. Freaky Flow can rock the crowd - playing a lot of popular tunes. The MCs were not as bad live as I use to think about while on the radio. This set reminded me of being 17 back in high school. I used to listen to jungle radio shows - Medicine Muffin - 88.1 in Jay’s basement. Fun times. Now .. I dedicate myself to Rinseout Radio - BuzBlaze - Winnipeg Jungle Massive.

11:30 - 12:30 - LTC (Ladies Take Control)
- Female MC & DJ combo - I enjoyed the music & I loved how she sang parts of Led Zepplin songs over the jungle tracks. “ Hey momma I like the way you move - gunna make you sweat gunna make you groove “ Sing that ..over anything in 4/4 time.. anyjungle tune.. you’ll see what I mean. It was a great shock to hear it the first time around. =)

12:30 - 2:30am - PENDULUM

- Needless to say, the room was quite full through the last few artists. As Pendulum stepped up I realized it was only the DJ. I was rather disappointed by this. I saw a video of them performing & it was a full band. Meh.. I’d enjoy it anyways. The MCs take over the stage & things get moving. I was very impressed - DJ mixed down a version of Rage Against the Machines - Killin in the name of. Yah, I still like the Circus-y sounds of Pendulum so as the VooDoo people remix comes in the crowd reacts like I do - crazy! The MCs keep the energy high - & I could appreciate that considering I had been on my feet for about 16 hours at that point of the night. .. it was hard not to dance though. I’d been wanting to dance at a huge jungle show for a long time & there I was standing at 3day WEMF Destiny rave .. NOT DANCING!! Meh.. I got paid to see Pendulum.!! Haha

The show ends at about 3am. The trance room played one more tune..
And .. for anyone interested this is the set list from the trance room. (same timeline)

- NuEra
- Deko-Ze
- Eddie Santini
- Chris Liberator
- Deadmau5 Canada
- Donald Glaude & Jelo

My next assignment was to patrol the perimeter of the park. It was about four acres - a decent time outside in the dark. I was glad to have grabbed my coat - it was like 13 with a cold breeze. So, I was walking with this guy who would not shut up about who he is, what he’s done, why he’s better at things than other people. I wanted to knock him out & leave him in the dark somewhere. Apparently he was in the Army - as seems like a lot of army guys are doing security because they can’t seem to deal with not protecting something .or lose that sense of important working factory jobs. Meh .. I was just glad to have him shut up at the end of the night.
Walking is soo much better than standing in one place all night. I was glad to walk around - even though walking in the dark really fukked my ankle up.

5:00am - I ended up sitting with this guy at the security tent for the last hour cause he couldn’t walk anymore. That was okay with me ..but standing still got me cold again. At about 6:15 we sign out & got keys to a motel .. get this .. “ The Moulin Rouge motel “ and im sleeping there with some dude.. HAHA. Great stuff.. but get this..!! .. I got room 8 .. HAHAHA amazing.

Andrew wasn’t annoying at all. We just got in the room .. adjusted what we needed & slept.

11:30am - I get up the first time. Only about 5 hours sleep. I felt ok but rested until about 2pm. I was able to talk to Cindy through out the night on my cell ..but I wasn’t really supposed to be answering the phone. I enjoyed the company but Saturday morning was not pleasant. (no details). I decided to leave the motel at about 3pm for breakfast. I walked down the street about 2Km to a Harvey’s. It was nice to eat something heavy again. All the food I ate all the previous day was a hot dog or 2.

I got back to main Security camp at about 4:45pm. I don’t start work till 6pm. I just sat around talking to other people & getting to know the crew. I took the time to lay down & rest my ankle.

5:45pm - We get arranged to go back to the same placements as the night before - YAY! Get into the building and it was about 6pm so ..

5:45pm - 6:30 - Capital J
- First thing I noticed was how thick the smoke was. I couldn’t really see anything - much worse than the night before. I took a look around the venue for a reason & sure enough the ventilation fan was not working properly. Part of my job other than listening to jungle & being paid is to assure the safety of the guests. *grovle*

6:30 - 7:30pm - Big League Chu vs Dave Saddler
- Breakbeats - I honestly can’t recall much about this - I had just got on the job & was still working out all the kinks of what I am supposed to be doing there. “ you can’t smoke in here “ “ No alcohol inside please “ over & over.. not too bad.. but it’s a provincial law - no smoking anywhere inside. The fire chef was walking around a few times also.

7:30 - 8:15pm - Cathcin Wreak
- Another artists I cannot recall details of. I believe this was a jungle DJ. As I was standingthere somewhat dancing ..felt more comfortable with my job I could dance a little more. But this is the strange thing - I could remember sleeping. The environment was such that I had no concept of time at all. Really dark, same music, same job - no idea of time. It was a different feeling but I was ready for my day. One thing that killed this set was the sound system went a bit crazy.. it took a good hour to fix.

8:15 - 9:00pm - D-Monic
- Here is where things get a little messed up on the timeline. D-Monic played Breaks for about 1 hour longer than scheduled. I couldn’t figure out what was happening till much later on in the night. D-Monic did a great job working the crowd up for an extra hour too. Many of the mixes were smooth & kept pace.

10:30 - 12:00pm - Reid Speed
- Female DJ I believe, some of the previous days MCs came back up to turn the party over. The hard contrast between Breaks & DNB was awesome. Music started hitting harder & the crowd started coming in. Means two things - I am more busy ,but also excited. With a 10 - or 15 minute break every 2 hours, I wasn’t standing the whole time. I was also able to answer my phone if Cindy called from work. I was pleased to have that talk time - helped me not miss her too much.


12:00 - 1:00am - Mix Master Mike (of Beastie Boys)
- Let me tell you.. this guy’s status of being a legendary Hip-Hop DJ is WELL deserved. He hit the decks with a blaze of old & new tracks that rocked the crowd so hard it was almost hard not to break into a perma-smile.!! As you’d expect ..he drops old-school hip-hop tunes.. old Rob Base DJ Ez Rock shit. ( it takes 2 ) but he also mixed down Nirvana, Rage, Queen (Bohemian Rhapsody) it was just crazy!!.. The security team actually had to close the dors because of capacity rules. 3200 ppl max limit. I swear everyone was just going nuts .. I have honestly never felt so exhilarated over a musical display of talent but he deserves every bit of credit.

1:00 - 2:30am - DJ Icey
- Some break beats to work off the steam. The room was SOO hot & sticky too. I swear I could feel condensation on the doors to outside. Icey started off with some quicker beats but slowed down. I was pretty much still working the floor trying to be careful of smokers & now people passing out on the floor. I havn’t mentioned yet, but I did get breaks.. I just can’t remember when they were at. I got a few hotdogs to eat, called cindy( or txt) basically keep my ass empty & my stomach full .. when you stand for 12 hour shifts, basically not moving around much - getting of my feet for a few minutes helps.

2:30 - 3:45am - Mampi Swift
- A mutha fukking HEAVY weight!! I swear .. I could feel the music building in speed & strength during his intro. The MCs from other DJ’s came back up along with the girl from LTC. They were all like.. “ OH GOSH!!” watch this tune coming in” .. yeah.. I really loved his beats. HARD & FAST.. great to dance to. I recognized a few slammin’ tunes & of course he played the TARANTULA!!! I loved how everyone dropped the dance steps hard as the tune came to. Seems that most DJs would play pendulum. Great time.. and by now I was dancing a little.. not like crazy but enough that people were like “ Security ..dancing? .wtf?” - haha I even had my pants all rolled up.!!!! BOH!!

3:45 - 5:00am - DJ SS
- Another heavy hitter!! This guy had 4 MCs out. Each would take turns letting out a rhyme. Great selection of tunes.. heavy bass too. It was difficult to tell if my phone was vibrating ..or if I was vibrating… in most cases it was both. LOL I still managed to answer my phone if Cindy called too. Yeah.. I wished that Jay & Mike could be there. I heard many people impressed with the trance room. I kinda wish I was in both rooms but I havn’t mastered that chapter of the quantum physics books yet. Having my god friends out at an event like that would really be awesome. Dancing there alone was just not right. ( but im not sorry I got paid to listen to music all weekend lol)

5:00 - 6:00am - Marcus Visionary vs Mystical Influence
- By far one of my favorite DNB DJs, Mystical knows a smooth groove with DnB. He lays out a foundation in the selections he uses & it stays in that groove the whole time. I know that if I were willing to be high & enjoy trippin out, THIS is the DJs who would pilot my journey through bass & time. Shheeettt!! I basically DID trip out. I was there for so long and WAITING to leave - basically on my feet at that point for 14 hours. Mystical was so good to listen to that I drifted away from my job & just listend & danced. I was like - fukk this.. even IF someone is smoking weed or drinking now.. it’s about 1 hour till it’s all over.. kicking someone out or harassing people is not going to make a difference. I just let my self drift & enjoy!! Really glad I did.

6:00 - 7:00am - Wendy Law
- A breakbeat DJ that actually had me dancing but still loses that speed of DNB. What I recall of her set was .. she’s Asian & she played a Eminem song mixed into Breaks. I wanted to get that song soo bad I cam home & downloaded a version I could find. Lol. There was some confusion about shifts.. I was scheduled for 6am finish but music ends at 7am so we stayed on longer.

7:00 am - Ending - sign out.

Time to sign out for the shift & catch the next bus home to T-dot. Sketch bus 2.
It shows up at about 8am and I gladly take a seat close to the door - lay my head down ..and slept from just outside of the Niagra region all the way to QEW Etobicoke. A great rest - but I knew I still have more than an hour to get home on the TTC. *grovle*

Anyways… I got home.. stripped ..showered .. ate.. & slept.. & woke up early to see Cindy.

The End… more stories to come .. I think.
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