Mar 07, 2006 21:13
TEACHER: ... And then the baby boomers will retire.
HER: The what?!
TEACHER: Baby boomers. They were a generation whose population just exploded.
ME: When the baby boomers retire the economy will go into complete and crushing collapse.
TEACHER: (Blinks) ... You're awful gloomy, Henry.
A real quote from a real (but unamed), very bored source who unfortunately found a pencil and paper:
I went to the store. mmmm... candy is good. mmmm... still good. The people said HELLO. How are we today. I said I don't know about we but I am A.OK. I smiled and said HELLO. The cat was furry but I said HELLO to the cat. The cat did not say HELLO so I said say HELLO. HELLO said the cat. HELLO said *** (name edited). *** said HELLO to the cat. The dog ate stuff that the cat didn't. I said A.OK. The dog was mad. I said A. O NO K. The dog said HA HA. And I said NO. The teacher said no to starting sentences off with "and" and I said no. me the dog the can and the people had a fun fun fun day. we ate candy and left after the eating of the candy was done. THE END.
Yeah. I don't really get it either.Henry