Jan 19, 2005 21:02
Well, I found out practice for track begins around February 14th, so I will not be available for much until mid-May, which REALLY sucks. I HATE track. I do it to stay in shape, and because of my father. Anyway, I'm pretty happy with my planner, because now it has a sticker that says "Ausgezeichnet", which means "Awesome", auf Deutsch, and it's cool cause awesome is a phrase I overuse all the time. I heard from Rose that my math teacher(also her coach in track) apparently she actually does realize the problem with placing advanced freshman in classes with juniors and sophomores means we are held back by students who can't get their heads around right angles. I don't mean this in a derrogatory fashion, it is simply a fact, many of these people have many redeeming qualities, but it can get frustrating.Henry