Title: What Does Bob Do When He's Not In Fan Fiction? (8/?)
xx_anarchy_xx Idea Suggested By:
oh4theloveofbob Rating: R
Pairing: Implied Frerard
Summary: What does Bob do when he's not in fan fiction?
Warnings: Swearing (cause we all know that's very naughty), possible dick mutilation
Author's Note: Got an idea for what Bob can do next? Suggest
HERE and if I like it, I'll write it
1. He Saves Us From the Zombie Hordes 2. He's Part of 'The Drummer Club'3. He Buys Weird Stuff on eBay4. He Races Japanese Robots with Ray5. He Goes Shopping for Kitties6. He Messes with Ray's Hair7. He Switches Frank's Lube with Superglue Dear Bert,
We've been friends for so long. There have been lots of tears and so much laughter between us. I feel closer to you than anyone else. I've listened and hurt every time you fell in love, longing to be the one in your arms. I've been there for you when every one of your relationships fell apart. Now is the time to tell you that the waiting is over.
The love you so desperately seek is here in my arms. You've often asked why I'm not interested in any of the men who hit on me when we're all out. I've always told you they weren't the one for me. Now I'm telling you that you are the one for me. You’re the one I dream about. No one can make me laugh like you, even when I'm knee deep in tears. The reason I've been alone for years is this: I've been waiting for you to see the love in my eyes that's only for you. I'll wait forever if that’s how long it takes. I need you. I miss you when you’re gone, and I hurt when you’re sad. I love you, Bert, for everything you are.
Love Always,
Gerard xoxo
I love how easy Gerard’s handwriting is to copy.
With a grin on my face and an almost skip in my step I walked to the Used bus and slotted ‘Gerard’s’ love letter under the door so someone would find it.
‘Mischief’ may as well be my middle name.
Throughout our set I could see Bert standing just off stage, hidden so Gerard couldn’t see him, with the letter in his hand. It was just too good to be true. So good my heart skipped and I fucked up some of the drum beats but I don’t think anyone really noticed. It was when Gerard and Frank were making out so no one was really paying attention.
If only I could see what was going through Bert’s mind as he stood there. I’d give almost anything to know.
Gerard was ranting about something the next morning that woke me up. He was storming around the table/couch area with a letter in his hands. Mikey was sat at the table eating cereal and doing the kiddie crossword.
“I mean, what the fuck?” Gerard yelled. Mikey looked pretty uninterested.
“I don’t know. It’s probably a joke.”
“What’s going on?” I asked, rubbing my head. Gerard span on his heel and thrust the letter into my hand.
“What the fuck? Why is he sending me this shit?” He shouted. I tried to hide my grin as I read Bert’s handwriting.
Dear Gerard,
I am writing you this letter to tell you how much you mean to me, and to thank you for coming into my life. You are something I never thought could exist for me. You are one of the best things that has happened in my life, and I don't regret being with you.
I have been through many relationships, but didn't really take them seriously. I was used and played by a guy who I really loved. So I decided to play guys the same way that guy once played me. I wasn't born a bitch, it's just a guy made me this way. Since then I have not taken chances with a guy. But you happened, you came into my life and stole my heart from the day I saw you.
At first I was confused, didn't really know what I wanted, I didn't know if I would want to take a chance again and actually take you seriously. So, I decided to come close to you as a friend and find out who you truly were and what you were like. You seemed cool, nice and funny some things I really liked in a guy.
Well, time has passed and I have discovered new things and a new me. You have truly changed me. Still, in a way, I'm scared cause I am actually growing a true feeling inside my heart which I just can’t explain, but I know it's there waiting for you to come and uncover it. I would want to receive love and trust from you when you truly mean it. All I ask from you is to show me you care and not hide anything, to also have trust in me the way I do in you.
Love always,
Bert xx
It was so good it just had to be fattening!
I quickly gave it back to Gerard and hid my head in a cupboard so I could grin until my cheeks burnt with the strain. They were just playing into my hands like putty. Gerard ranted at everyone on the bus, even Brian who really didn’t give a damn. The more he spread it around the harder the humiliation fall.
He spent most of the day on the bus, only coming out for sound checks and our set. After our sound check Branden pulled me aside by my hoodie.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” He hissed. I played the innocent.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Bullshit Bryar, I know you wrote that note to Bert and signed Gerard’s name. I know you better than anyone on our bus, hell, I think I know you better than anyone on yours most of the time, so why?”
“Why what?” I asked, a little afraid that Branden would punch me in the face. He’s done it before and I had no doubt he would do it again.
“Why didn’t you tell me so I could join in? You know I love messing with people!”
With that he dragged me, by the hood so nearly strangling me, to my bus where we constructed the response note.
Dear Bert,
So we feel the same way?
This tour just got a lot more interesting… if you get me.
Gerard xoxo
“We can’t send that, can we?” Branden asked, chewing on his thumb.
“Why not?” I asked back, grinning as I signed the envelope. I handed it to Branden and asked him to give it to Bert. Why sneak around when you’ve got inside help?
I didn’t sleep that night. I was far to excited. It was like Christmas!
I could barely contain my smile the next morning when Gerard got another letter which set him off on another rant.
“We hate each other! Why is he sending me this shit?” He screamed, his arms flailing around like windmills. I took the note in his hand and read it, my sides almost bursting open with the force of containing laughter.
Oh, I get you. Just depends when you want to go? xx
“I mean, it doesn’t make any sense. Go where? And why?”
“He’s just fucking with you Gee, take no notice,” Mikey said through a mouthful of cereal. Now a normal person would have just admitted it here and taken a beating of some kind, but since when have I ever stopped when I should have? It was far too much fun to play them like puppets. The sad thing was Bert actually believed it, or he was just fucking with Gerard.
“Dude, Bert isn’t fucking with him,” Brandon said when I asked him about it. “He squealed like a fucking girl when I gave him our note. This is gonna really hurt him.”
“Even deep down?”
“Well, deep down I think he knows its bullshit but he’s just hoping it isn’t.”
Didn’t stop us fucking with them. Not by a long shot. Gerard’s reaction every morning was just too priceless. His over the top ways and high pitched, not quite squealing voice with horror, disgust and why. Why, why, why. He asked it a lot.
Naturally we kicked it up a notch, scribbling down ideas between sets and laughing hysterically about it when no one else was around. Like cackling witches.
“WHAT THE HOLY FUCK?” Gerard screamed. I woke up so fast I whacked my head against the bunk above.
Not dignified.
Gerard must have heard the bang because within seconds his head was in my bunk, invading my personal space. He looked so freaked out. A note was in his hand.
“You know what happens on their bus! Why is he sending me this….FILTH?!”
With a sleepy hand I grabbed the note and read it a few times before my eyes unblured. It was another one of those moments that I wanted to scrub out of my head forever. Gerard was right, it was filth. What-Bert-wanted-to-do-after-Branden-and-I-wrote-what-Gerard-wanted-to-do-to-him-filth.
Gerard ran off screaming to anyone who would listen before I had a chance to react. Good thing to because I didn’t know whether to throw up or wail in happiness.
Sadly good things never last.
After our sound check Branden dragged me off by my shirt (cause I wasn’t in a hoodie, I’d learnt my lesson from last time), a panicked look in his face.
“Bert knows!” He stressed. My eyes shot wide with fear. We’d been rumbled.
“What? How?”
“He noticed how I was hanging out with you a lot and always coming back with a letter. He must have put two and two together. We’re so fucked man! We’re so fucked!”
Behind his head I saw Bert looking around wearing a face that said ‘I’m gonna kick ASS!’. I grabbed Branden and we ran for it looking for somewhere to hide.
Thank god for equipment trunks!