Feb 16, 2007 15:18
Things are getting lots better.
Me and shane signed up to an agency and they have got us work and we start tomoro.
£7 an hour and double time at weekends for overtime.
so things are getting better.
Which is a huge weight off both our minds.
Ive left uni.
Bristol has made me so upset since i have lived here.
I hate it so in the summer once our house lease has run out we are moving away!!!
and its gonna be so exciting.
Moving up north will be fun and we cn get a really nice place for our money up there compared to what we could get here.
Im gonna go back to uni the yr after next too but i need to get some money and i wanna get CutiePiecushions under way so thats exciting too. Ive had some really good feedback from it so it should do well.
When i go back to uni i want to do fashion/photography/textiles.... something i can apply to a business/career.
But for the meantime its all about making money and having fun but saving too!
My parents are being really shit about me leaving uni and doing something that might actually make me happy.
They think i should put up with it and get thru it but it makes me miserable living here and i wish id left last yr when i wanted to instead of being told what to do and staying here for this long.
But it doesnt matter now and its gonna get so much better.
Also we have a tattoo appointment for the end of march which is ace, 2 hours on my chest, colour and my pink stars outlined differently.
I want my sleeves done by this yr too and finally get my feet finished.
Also shane and i got some little things on our hands, i have a heart on each and he has an anchor one each, but they fucked them up at the place we went to so we are go9nna get those sorted too! :]
Lots of hot tattooos for us;] hehehe i cant wait.
Also im finally feeling alot better about things.
Valentines was nice, we had no money so we made each stuff and i made a nice meal for dinner.
was sweet and we are gonna make a really big deal of our birthdays and anniversary cuz we havent been able to do much cuz we've been poor.
Ive also decided that i am gona totally sort myself out and look hotter... my diets going pretty well and ive already lost quite a bit of weight, my waist is getting alot more defined... im just not happy about losing my boobs lol but nevermind. but once we've got some money save, can join a gym again.. and get hot... im sick of feeling ugly and, compared to some people im not that bad so itll be ok. and worth all the hard work. i cant wait to finally feel good about how i look. if i get some money i really want a boob job, i went off the idea but im gonna save for that aswell.
So things are exciting now!! its all good hehee