Jan 05, 2009 08:56
I've created a new LJ account. "Vampire_Sing". I'm friends with me, so you can add that account via my friends on this account. I WILL NOT BE DELETING THIS ACCOUNT! I want that to be clear, syntecstasy is here to stay haha. Basically the reason for this account is to talk about my obsessions. I spend a lot of time on my livejournal discussing my books, music, and movie obsessions. Well, I wanted to weed some of that out and talk about my life on my livejournal, and my insanity on my other livejournal haha... anyway, I also mostly am going to use the new page for the readingchallenge community. Heh, my logic might seem weird but that's what it is, so add it if you care about how many books I read, what my favorite song is currently, how many movies I've bought or seen in the last week, what voice actor I'm in love with now -.- , or just keep looking to synthecstasy for my daily diatribe. ^^ It also means that my synt account is going to be more basic... like "Today at work, Mike was a douche, here's why blahbalhlablahl" ya know. So, I'm trying to be a good networker and tell my beloved friends what they need to know about my life, not what I like to talk about lol - but I mean, the fangirly's got to sneak in sometimes ^_-
Anyway, yes, so add "Vampire_Sing" if you still want to read about Books, Music, Movies, Obsessions etc, or don't and you can get the pure loveable angst that is my daily life hahaha ^_^ <3
In other news, I have the next two days off work, and I'm kind of excited. I did a top to bottom clean of the house ^^ the walls were really dirty for some reason, so I scrubbed them, and I vaccumed, but I need carpet clearner, 'cause the mud stains just won't come out of the rug :'(
My hand feels way better, I don't think it was actually sprained.. maybe just bruised. but my thumb bone still sticks out like a mile lol but at least I can type and pick things up and all without it hurting. ^^
I'm seriously, heavily, considering Grad. School, only I have no idea where I want to go. Like truly with all my heart want to go. I want to go to UCLA 'cause it's warm lol I want to stay on the island 'cause of my sister, Cody, Anthony and Manda. I want to go back to Maine 'cause of my mom, and my college friends *who all live in New England by the way*, and I want to make the right choice because I don't want to fuck up my life. I want to succeed and do great things. But ya know what,it's my life, and no matter what choices I make it will be beautiful because this moment is my life, and why not live, if you can't live! Thanks guys! That was helpful! ^_^ I feel better. I'll just do what I want and stop focusing so much on what might come in the end, 'cause in the end it doesn't really matter! ^_^
Oh, Anime Boston! Me and Ange are talking about getting a room together for it ^_^ I can't wait for AB I could use a proper convention! yay!
I got sent home from work early yesterday - apparently it was that slow. Maria, Maria, and Frank all left at 3 when I went in. Then at 5 they were like "Dolores is going home, and one of you needs to go." So it was either Me, Josh, or Mike. So I was voted off the island lol I didn't mind, I got to hang out with my sister and brother and watch a movie, "August" (review on Vampire_Sing). I don't know if I can get a ride in to work on Wednesday either -.- my mom is still in Maine. She found us an apartment up there (in Sanford), which is great.. I'm not sure if we're actually moving back or not, she said she found it, not that she was taking it .. but anyway, if she's not back then I can't get to work at 3, 'cause my sister doesn't get out of work until 5 lol so that's a problem. I told the managers that are on that day and neither of them can give me a ride either -.- soo that sucks lol but Janet said to "call if you figure something out" so I don't know what I'm supposed to figure out - I can't get a ride. End of story. lol I could take the bus I guess... that's kind of a scary thought lol
Also, I get paid on Thursday, and that is long overdue and needed - I have to buy school books, and a few other fun things. I also owe my sister 20 bucks and gas money lol
Lastly, one of my friends had a post that I was not allowed to comment on for some reason (possibly blocked my user) and it made me very upset, not at her, but for her and at my other friends. I believe I know who is doing mean things to this person and making them feel expendable, and if it's who I think it is I need to talk to this person because he's a big meanie! I don't think anyone should be treated like they aren't worth the time, and especially not this person because she is amazing and fun to be around, and I love her, and I can't imagine anyone being mean to her because she doesn't deserve it :( so if this user reads this I just hope she knows that she is not expendable and she deserves to be treated better.