Interesting. As of this morning,
New York Times online archives are now available free of charge. This is a nice change from the restrictive, subscription-based TimesSelect program that was in place for two years before today. I will miss out on being an elitist TimesSelect member though. ;o
My subscription to
New Yorker magazine began this week. There is an insert for the New Yorker annual festival which takes place on an early October weekend. The lineup is filled with lectures and panels with writers, artists, musicians, columnists, and other creativeniks. Sometimes I wish I lived in a very culturally stimulating place like NYC. I suppose I will have to get by being bicoastal for right now.
The Working Week is over 50% over. Time flew by very quickly! We have been completely overwhelmed and understaffed again this week, and the mood has been stressful in the office. My boss actually gave me a Starbuckers gift card for "doing a great job" during this month. That was a very nice gesture on her part. I shall now figure out what to do with the $25 gift card...I wonder if Starbucks sells any vegan Frappucinos? :o
Payday Friday is just couple of days from now. I shall order an iPod Nano ("phatty") unit, and possibly spandex cycling tights this weekend. And I am about 44 days away from procuring a new laptop computer. Wheeeeee!
Tonight is a workout evening. I look forward to communing with the weight machines, the elliptical machine, and the therapy pool. Tomorrow evening is a visit to Pho Green Papaya with
solteronita. I am looking forward to a yum-eaux dining experience.