Last weekend's activities turned out way differently than I had intended. I had fun nonetheless. I shall pontificate on the weekend exploits later.
Tonight is the first "Southeast Stark Street Supper" at my apartment--the cat-sitting neighbors are coming over for dinner. I am very excited and scared at the same time. But I look forward to entertaining (and hopefully being entertaining) tonight. If tonight's vegetarian menu offering goes well, I may consider inviting folks over for dinner in the future on a regular basis.
Last Sunday's New York Times had a nice write-up about Portland in their article,
"36 Hours in Portland, Ore."--I am very happy that New York Times finds the City of Roses to be a fun place, having published two informative articles about Portland in the paper's Travel section during the past two months! I was pleasantly surprised to see
St. Honore Boulangerie get mentioned in the article--the bakery is an amazing place.