I'm sure you've seen the buzz about this. So this cute little thing is an ultra cutey mac looking synthesizer. what's it do? what's it sound like? Nobody knows. These are questions I ask when everyone else is too busy wiping goo off of their mointors. Of course, that makes me the detractor because i'm thinking critically. As of right now, this thing is sitting on someones work bench. Too many things can happen and we've all seen it before: nodbody will pick up the project, it gets released as a kit and then support is dropped a year later, they make ten.
So really, why do I catch shit for simply saying I'll check it out when it finally hits the stores? Simply because I dont drop a load at the sight of another minimalist, mac-ish thing people want to pay for based on looks alone? When did critical thinking go out of style?
Oh because this thing is really gonna happen, compared to all the other failures, some even from estabilshed companies, and it's going to make me look oh so cool with my mac book pro.. I guess I'm stupid.. accessorizing with my mac is way more important than writing music..