Mar 19, 2007 20:09
This weekend was amazingly busy and pretty awesome. On Thursday I hung out with, among others, Lucia for the first time in a while. I have felt like I have never spent as much time with her as I should, but I feel like we will probably be hanging out more in the future. Nick and Kevin stayed at my house Thursday night so we could all leave early for Colin's house. It was Colin's birthday and since we had the day off his house was free reign for all us crazy kids. Then once my lungs had recovered I met up with Sarah D and we went to the sharks game. First we went to Good Karma for dinner then we headed to the game. It still amazes me that Sarah and I were friends for about two years before realizing that we both have a deep love for the sharks! Well we hadn't seen each other in a long time so we were probably more focused on conversation than the game but the boys in teal did us proud with a 3-0 win over the blue jackets. Saturday I met up with Breanna at Good Karma (where I saw Luke's attacker), then we saw Zodiac, which I enjoyed thoroughly and recommend wholeheartedly. Then we hung out at my house for a while before she left. I then went to Matt's for our St. Patrick's Day dinner which was good but I must say St. Patrick's day is my least favorite holiday as a Vegan who is not much into cabbage. Sunday Mitch picked me up and we met up with Jeremy to work on the APES video but we ended up just hanging out and playing video games, but it was a good time. And I got into Lewis & Clark, where I am pretty sure I will go unless I get into Reed.