Shits 'n giggles, eh?

Dec 13, 2005 02:38

Date: Deccember 13, 2005
2. Time Started: 2:39 am

:::All About Y-O-U:::
3. Full Name? You'll steal my identity...
4. Age? 24
5. Birthday? Today!
6. Zodiac Sign? Sagittarius
7. Current Hair Color? kinda a non-discript brown
8. Natural Hair Color? Brown
9. Eye Color? Blue... recessive genes ftw!
10. Height? 5'6"ish
11. Skin color? not really tan, but not really pale
12. Skinny, Athletic, Average, or More to Love? Average
13. Hometown? Clinton, KY
14. Where you live now? Lexington, KY
15. Where are you at RIGHT now? In a chair infront of my computer in my living room in Lexington in Kentucky in the USA on the North American continent on Earth... you realize I could keep going, right?
16. What are you wearing right now? Vans, jeans, boxers, a t-shirt and my hat.
17. Any tattoos? yes
18. If so, what and where? Some tribal thing on my right shoulder and a nautical star on my left
19. Any piercings? Yes
20. If so, what and where? my left nipple and left ear lobe and cartilidge
21. Favorite thing about your body? Mah fine ass... no, probably eyes
22. Least favorite thing about your body? Dunno, could be a little more in shape
23. Do you have any pets? 2
24. If so, what and names? black cat named Element and a tabico named Retro


25. Highest grade completed? Senior year of college
26. What school you currently attend? UK
27. What college? College of Arts and Sciences
28. If so, major? Psychology
29. What highschool? *sigh* Hickman Co.
30. What middle school? See above
31. What elementary school? Mountain Shadows Elementry
32. Favorite School Memory? I have many...
33. Favorite Subject? Psychology


34. What was your first job? Working at a video store in Clinton
35. How many jobs have you had? A few
36. Do you currently work? yes
37. If so, where? making bank by driving lazy people their pizza
38. Have you ever gotten fired? Yep, from A+ Comics cause I was sick for more than a day...
39. Ever dated someone at your work? Can't say I have
40. Favorite Work Memory? The day the oven stopped working and I got to see the disappointment on the faces of everyone who wanted pizza :)


41. Do you like mornings? Sure... I'm usually asleep during them, so they're not all bad
42. What time do you wake up? Depends on the day... more often than not around noonish if I can
43. Whats the first thing you think of in the morning? probably how much I have to pee
44. Whats the first thing you look at in the morning? Alarm clock
45. Whats the first thing you do in the morning? I guess get outta bed.


46. Do you like nights? Hells ya
47. What time do you go to bed? depends on the day, but usually around 4ish or so
48. Whats the last thing you do before climbing into bed? get undressed
49. Whats the last thing you think of before falling asleep? Thinking just keeps me awake
50. Do you like it cold or hot when you sleep? Usually cold... I seems to sleep better
51. What do you have beside your bed? Dresser with lots of stuff on it


52. Favorite food? Steak... *drool*
53. Do you eat out a lot? Yep
54. Favorite Fast food joint? Wing Zone, I'd guess, or Wendy's
55. Favorite Restaurant? O'Charlies or the Lobster
56. Favorite Drink? No longer Mt. Dew...
57. Favorite Candy? Reece's Cups
58. Favorite Junk Food? Mingua Bother's I guess, if that's considered junk food
59. Fruits or Vegetables? Both, actually... and veggies only with ranch

:::Bad Habits:::

60. Do you drink? Yes
61. Have you ever been drunk? Yes
62. If so, when was the last time you were drunk? It's been a long while
63. How do you act when you’re drunk? quiet and calm usually
64. Drink of choice? Vodka
65. Do you smoke? yes
66. If so what? cigarettes
67. Do you bite your nails? no
68. Do you cuss? Yes
69. If so, whats your favorite curse word? I use fuck most often

:::Sexual Activity:::

70. Are you a virgin? No.
71. If not, how many people have you been with? 5
72. When was the last time you got some? couple nights ago
73. Favorite position? whatever feels good
74. Any weird fantasies? Well, there is the one with the midget...
75. Favorite sexual act? orgasm
76. Sex in relationships, or one night stands? Most all have been relationships


77. Have you ever been in love? yes
78. Current Marital Status: If you don't know the answer, then I don't know you or care about you
79. Are you currently involved with someone? yes
80. First thing you look at in someone of the opposite sex? eyes and body
81. Turn ons? kissing, nibbling on the ear lobe
82. Turn offs? farting...
83. Do you have a crush on someone? not particularly, other than who I'm marrying, but that's not quite a crush
84. If so, who?
85. Favorite thing to do on a date? make out
86. Kiss on the first date? Yeap
87. Worst date story? I won't bore you with it, but it involved midgets
88. Favorite date story? Me and Leslie's first date


89. Favorite color? Blue
90. Favorite pet? Element
91. Favorite movie? Entirely too many to choose from
92. Favorite band? See above
93. Favorite singer/rapper? Never really thought about it.... I'll get back to you
94. Favorite TV show? Scrubs ftw!
95. Favorite Car? Don't have one.
96. Favorite Book? Also too many to choose from.
97. Favorite Song? Geh... stop asking these questions
98. Favorite Vacation Spot? southern Utah
99. Favorite holiday? Any that end in me having sex
100. Favorite memory? Dunno... there's alot there


101. Last thing you ate? Supreme pizza
102. Last show you watched? Sex and the City
103. Last concert you went to? Omfg... Memphis in May I think? Maybe Local H... not sure
104. Last movie you saw? Shaun of the Dead
105. Last time you saw that special someone? right before she went to bed
106. Last time you cried? When Alan died
107. Last time you were mad? Sunday night... stupid new idiot manager makes me want to kill something
108. Last time you were disappointed? Been a while
109. Last time you were happy? Quite often, actually
110. Last thing you said? Night.
111. Last thing you lied about? Having a bad date involving midgets
112. Last thing you thought about? Wh my cat stares at me like I'm food...
113. Last big decision you made? going back to pizza hut
114. Last thing you bought? stuff to make salsa, chips, chocolate milk, grape juice, and toilet paper
115. Last person you said I love you too? Leslie
116. Last person you talked to? Leslie

:::This OR That:::

117. Regular or Diet Soda? Regular
118. Coke or Pepsi? neither any more... do you know how much those things eat away your teeth?
119. Deaf or blind? deaf... though I'd prefere neither
120. Losing a leg, or losing an arm? who comes up with these questions?
121. Heaven or Hell? Well, if I'm right, probably niether. If I'm wrong...
122. Loved and Lost or Never Loved at All? former
123. DSL or Modem Internet? DSL
124. Yesterday or Tomorrow? Tomorrow... the past is in the past, leave it there.
125. Night or Day? Night
126. Burger King or McDonalds? McDonald's.
127. Walmart or Kmart? Wal-mart.
128. Alone or with people? Depends on mood... usually alone
129. Contacts or Glasses? Neither... cause I rock
130. Kisses or hugs? Kisses
131. One close friend, or many friends? Preferably both.
132. The Beach or the Mountains? Mountains
133. House or Apartment? House
134. Dog or Cat? Cats or dogs... I'm not picky
135. Fish or Bird? fish.... birds = FUCKING annoying


136. What kind of car do you drive: Toyota Rav-4
137. Do you have an ipod? yes
138. Favorite article of clothing you own? hat
139. Favorite piece of jewelry? star saphire ring
140. Something you always take with you? my brain?
141. Purse or handbag? fanny pack!


142. What kind of cellphone do you have? LG
143. Whats the background for it? some desert or something
144. Who was the last person you called? Gram
145. Last person who called you? Gram
146. Last missed call? Gram
147. What did your last received text message say? Something about my verizon bill... dunno
148. What kind of computer do you have? Alienware desktop
149. Is it a desktop, or a laptop? desktop
150. Background on your computer desktop? Whirlpool Nebula
151. Favorite messaging service? aim
152. Favorite website?
153. How many hours a day do you spend online? lots
154. First person you look for when you sign online? I don't chat so much anymore
155. Do you download illegal music? Only to check out bands I've never heard before... then I usually buy the cd or delete the song


156. If you could take two things with you if you were on a desert island what would they be? A boat with a sail and a 4k pound bag of food
157. If you could take back one thing, what would it be? No clue
158. If you could tell someone something that you just can't find the words to tell them, what would it be? If I can't find the words, then how am I suppose to tell you?
159. What would you save first if your house burnt down? Cats
160. Who would you bring back from the Dead? Well, if he's dead, the guy who decided it's a good idea to make Waller one-way during ball games so that I could kill him again.
161. If you could meet one person who would it be? see above, for killing
162. If you could have two wishes granted, what would they be? to have enough money to live comfortably for the rest of my life and to know how the universe began
163. One thing you would do differently? Go to bed earlier today...
164. Whats your biggest pet peeve? People

165. Time finished? 3:44 am, but I took a break

Fun times all around.
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