So I've been a year removed from studying and playing seriously. A coworker of mine (comes to Scrabble club, somewhere 800-1000ish strength) likes to play and wants to get back into it for the summer. I got a text from him when I was walking past his office coming from a meeting asking for a game, and since it was zero out of my way I decided to play a game with him.
I decided in honor of my first game in 6 months over the board to annotate the game, but instead of doing the usual "silence for good moves as if it's expected" tradition I wrote down everything I could think about the game.
Because of the way the tiles fell it turned out that I played a much better game than usual, which I was partially disappointed about (because this game looks no different than my usual sort of brag games) but also partially a bit chuffed about because hey I played one good game after a bunch of months. Anyway, hopefully you might enjoy an unedited stream (good and bad) about what I was thinking during this game. It's my plan to post some more games that I play against him (about 1 a week or so?) warts and all with my thoughts unedited. Since I'm currently not emotionally invested in Scrabble too much (not that I love to lose or play worse than I used to) it is a fair amount easier :)
Pretty sure I'm a couple hundred points weaker than at my best. Against that, I actually enjoyed the game :-) Edit: oops, screwed up a comment on DETAILS. supposed to be on next move.
Double Edit: I love my Reuters sentence re: walking by office.