Fic: In Sickness And In Health (Part 2)

Nov 22, 2017 20:00

I Will Shelter You
Pairings: Sam/Dean
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester
Rating: M (sexual content, violence, language)
Word Count: 10,349 (Part 1 & 2)
Summary: A few months after the Darkness is released Sam and Dean go to clean up a mess leftover from a recent hunt. The brothers had been arguing lately, tensions high, but their love for each other undeniable. Sam has been hiding a sickness, and it forces itself into the open during a hunt. Dean is furious about having missed the signs that his brother was suffering, promising to pay better attention to him. But while Dean nurses Sam to health he becomes guilty of the same thing Sam had done to him; but as we all know when Dean hides something a silent storm brews, eventually unleashing it's fury with a vengeance.
Author's Note: This fanfic is the first one I've ever written. Please feel free to leave me some feedback! I'd love some critiques so I can improve.

Part 1

Chapter Two: I Will Shelter You

Dean had woken up at 3:37 am. When he opened his eyes he found his face buried in Sam's hair. Pieces of hair were stuck to his lips and it took him a few moments to battle his way out of his brother's long chestnut strands. He rolled over onto his back, closing his eyes and attempting to fall back to sleep. Switching positions seemed to make his stomach angry, an uncomfortable grumble reminding him that he was sick. He lifted up a hand and placed it over his eyes, scrubbing it over his face. Dean peered over at Sam. He was finally sleeping soundly and he wasn't due to take his next dose of tylenol for another two hours. He sighed, turning over on his other side, facing the wall. His mouth started watering and a cold sweat began to breakout over his body. He knew what was going to come next. Dean got up as quietly as possible, not wanting to wake up Sam. He tiptoed out of the bedroom, trying to get to the furthest bathroom he could to avoid Sam hearing him, again. He made it two right turns, one left, and five hallways. Dean hastily entered the multi stall bathroom, locked the door behind him, and chose the largest stall all the way at the end of the row. He got on his knees in front of the toilet, lifting the lid and waiting for the inevitable. After a few minutes he felt the bile starting to rise in his throat. He positioned himself over the toilet, eyes squeezed shut as the dry heaves and coughs wracked his body. He was finally able to bring up a dribble of bile, his eyes burning with tears, hands gripping the sides of the bowl. His stomach allowed him to have a few seconds to breathe before it spasmed, making Dean pitch forward and expel a stream of vomit. He continued to gag for a few more moments until his brain realized that there was nothing left to bring up.

Once he was done he rested his head on his arm across the toilet, eyes closed. He drifted between sleep and consciousness. As he rested memories began to wander back to the night they admitted their true feelings for each other. They had just taken a long and silent car ride home after escaping from Lucifer's cage. Sam's mind was swirling with anger and depression - having all of his biggest fuck ups played back before his eyes left him guilty and cracked. Dean had been beaten, his mouth tasted like rust and he had black spots in his vision. Both boys desperately longed for comfort, familiarity. Dean had parked the Impala in the garage and they had both made their way to the library, looking to dredge up some information on the Darkness. They were hopeless and empty. Sam had stepped into the bunker and stopped next to a large bookcase, leaning against it heavily. He rested his head against his arm, braced on the hard cherrywood. Dean came up from behind him, stopping in his tracks a few feet from his brother. He looked at Sam, confused as to why he paused, but that confusion quickly morphed to panic. No matter the situation, Dean's mind always automatically assumes there's something terribly wrong whenever Sam does something out of the ordinary. Did he not drink coffee that morning? Must be anxious. Did he go to sleep early? Must have a migraine, must be having visions again. Does he have a cough? That's it, Sammy has the black plague. Dean walked up to his brother cautiously, their nerves were shot and he didn't want to scare him. As he slowly approached he saw Sam's shoulders flinch. Was he... crying? Dean grabbed his brother's elbow, spinning him around. Sam immediately covered his face with his hands, sobbing and sniffling. Dean's heart broke.

At first he couldn't talk, his throat felt dry and his tongue wouldn't move. And either way, even if his mouth would listen to his brain and talk, what would he say? 'What's wrong'? What kind of fucking stupid question would that be? He knew damn well what was wrong. And he also knew that Winchesters didn't cry. Not in front of people at least. The fact that Sam was crying in front of him meant that this was serious, and he didn't want to embarrass his brother further by prying. Instead he pulled Sam close, letting him cry in his arms. They stayed like that for at least ten minutes. He sounded so hurt; so broken and desperate that Dean found himself starting to tear up. Sam cried until he was hyperventilating. Dean rubbed his eyes before taking a step back, holding both of Sam's shoulders. "Everything is going to be okay. I mean that. We're going to figure this out, and we're going to send that bitch back where she belongs," Dean nodded briskly, touching Sam's cheek. "But you need to breathe. You're going to make yourself sick," hearing Dean's words seemed to make Sam calm down. He took a few deep breaths, drying his eyes on his sleeves. While Sam was bigger than Dean, in this moment he looked small, almost like he was trying to curl up into himself. He looked at his older brother, his red eyes wide and puppy like. Suddenly he closed the space between them, pressing his lips against Dean's. Dean threw his hands up in the air on both sides of his head, stereotypical "caught red handed" gesture. He pulled his head back as if he had been punched, hand clasped over his mouth as he recoiled, confused eyes meeting Sam's. Sam was shocked and embarrassed. "D-Dean - I didn't mean to - Please don't be mad!" He stammered, taking a step towards his brother who immediately took another step back. "I-I thought you felt the same way!" Sam practically sobbed, starting to take another step but stopping himself, his hand reaching out to his brother.

Dean just stood there, frozen, fingers touching his lips. His eyes were opened so wide Sam thought his eyes might pop out of his head. He didn't know what to do. His mind was screaming at him, so many thoughts confusing him that he felt like he needed to just run. "Sam." Dean said harshly, raising his hands out in front of him, "I just need a second to think." As soon as he got his last word out he practically sprinted out of the room back to the safety of the Impala. He sunk into the drivers seat, anger and uncertainty bubbling up in his chest. He wanted to scream. He wanted to cry. He wanted to run back inside, apologize to Sam, hold him close and let his lips press against his own... NO! He's your fucking brother! Dean squeezed his eyes shut and pressed his fists into his eye sockets. Oh shut the fuck up, you know how you feel about him. You know what you think about before you go to bed at night. You know what you what. And now he did scream. He yelled until his throat burned. He cursed. He yelled at himself, he yelled at his dad, and he yelled at God for the circumstance he put them in. Why did we have to be related?! Is this a sick fucking joke?! Why?! Did he even believe in God? In this moment he did. He needed someone to blame. Dean punched the seat, finally beginning to calm down. He cleared his throat. Dean knew that he felt the same way. In fact, he probably felt more for Sam than Sam felt for him. It was always his job to take care of his younger brother. He always had an insatiable love for him, even when Sam was rebelling, convinced he wanted to leave his family in the dust.

Dean gripped the top of the steering wheel with both hands, pressing his forehead against his knuckles. He felt nauseous and torn. Panic started swirling in his head and he began hyperventilating. He wheezed and spluttered, feeling like his heart was going to give out at any second. And just when he needed him most, he felt Sam's hand grip the back of his neck. Dean's head shot up, turning to look at his brother, and at that moment he realized that he was crying. Sam wiped his face with his free hand, letting his fingertips gently rub against Dean's cheek. "I'm here. This is all that matters," Sam murmured, his eyes soft and prying, searching the older hunter's face for any sign of consent. He said his words with such certainty. Dean imagined that Sam likely repeatedly echoed that statement in his head, his daily mantra. Dean made up his mind. He reached out and grabbed Sam's face with both hands, pulling him in to a deep kiss. He moved over to the passenger seat, pulling Sam inside the Impala. Sam wrapped an arm around Dean's waist, pulling him practically into his lap. Sam was turned completely towards Dean, his right leg bent up on the seat, sitting on top of his foot, and his left foot was on the floor. Dean was on his knees on the seat, over Sam's thighs, his chest pressed against Sam's. The younger hunter was being so gentle and it made Dean feel more vulnerable than he already had. After everything they had been through, all the pain and suffering, it isn't too far fetched to have seen this coming. They yearned to have someone to hold at night. They needed someone to understand, but no one did, and no one else could, except for each other. Dean felt as if he was on the brink of a mental breakdown, but Sam was acting as his glue. Was it a healthy way to feel? Being so dependent on someone? No. But nothing in their lives were healthy. What's one more bad habit.

Dean slipped his tongue into Sam's mouth, running a hand over his clavicle. Sam broke the kiss, slowly removing his jacket and shirt, half way expecting Dean to stop him. But he didn't, and he began undressing as well. Considering the sheer size of the pair undressing in such a closed space was difficult, but they didn't give a fuck. They piled everything in the corner of the passenger seat and Sam grabbed the lever under the driver's seat to push the bench as far back as it went. He pressed his back against the door and Dean slid between his thighs, legs bent around Sam's torso. The younger hunter slid his hands up Dean's back, making him shiver. He pulled back slightly, another wave of guilt tugging at his heart. He scrubbed his face with his hand, trying to ignore the undeniable stiffness of his dick under his boxers. "Sam..." he murmured so low that his brother could barely hear him, "I don't know if this is the right thing to do..." He looked down at his hands, happening to see Sam's hard cock peeking through the elastic of his boxers. His breath caught in his throat. Sam lifted Dean's chin up so they were making eye contact. "Please, Dean... Trust me." He ran a hand through the older man's hair, his other hand rubbing his side. Dean nodded briefly, moving up back to Sam. They joined lips again, but this time Sam had a plan. His hand slid down from Dean's neck, trailing down his chest to his hips. He traced a finger over the band of Dean's boxers, smirking when Dean made a barely audible moan. Sam began to pull Dean's boxers down, but Dean stopped him and pulled them all the way down himself, discarding them with the rest of their clothes. Sam did the same. Dean wasn't sure what to do. He had never actually been with a man before, and while he knew what men liked, he wasn't sure where to start. He paused for a moment, but then began to slink down on the floor onto his knees. As if Sam was reading Dean's thoughts he gripped his shoulder. "Don't worry Dean, you don't need to do that." He began to pull his older brother back into the seat, "I want you to feel good, Dee, I don't need you to do anything..." he trailed off, his fingers gently wrapping around Dean's hard cock. Dean shuddered at his touch, his dick twitching. Sam reached over with his free hand and opened the glove box, pulling out Dean's "secret" stash of lube.

Dean smirked, "that was supposed to be secret." Sam laughed lightly, "Dean, you're terrible at keeping secrets." The older hunter was completely unsure of logistics of having sex with another man. "Sam... I have no idea what I'm doing. What if something happens, what if I don't like it, what if things change between us, what if I do something wrong, what if something happens to you, I can't live without you and if something happened I'd be destroyed and -" Sam cut him off, "Dean!" he snapped, trying to stop his brother's incessant rambling, "stop. I'll show you. Everything is fine. We're fine, and we'll always be fine," Sam demanded, but Dean didn't buy it. Instead of arguing he just nodded, and his younger brother pulled him into a kiss. Sam opened the cap of the small bottle and squirted some of the lube into his hand, placing the bottle between his bent knee so it could warm up while he worked on Dean's cock. He pulled him into a kiss, his hand slipping over the head of Dean's dick, swirling his wrist to properly coat his length with lube. Dean moaned lightly, gently biting Sam's bottom lip, sending Sam into hyperdrive. He began switching between stroking his shaft and focusing on his head, a slow and steady rhythm that drove Dean crazy. Dean felt disgusted with himself, but he also felt his heart swell with adoration for Sam. He was fucked up, but that wasn't new to him. He panted against Sam's lips, thrusting his hips up and down in time with Sam's pumps. His cock was so hard that it ached, begging for release. "Sam... fuck" Dean groaned, bucking wildly into Sam's hand. But Sam wasn't done with him yet, and it was too early to allow him to finish. He released his dick, causing Dean made an unsatisfied noise, and pulled out the bottle of lube. "I want you to bend up your knees so your feet are on the seat behind my back," Sam commanded, scooting over to make more room for Dean to move.

Dean did as he was told, unsure and excited, his cheeks burned red as he moved into position. He was undeniably nervous, and also fiercely embarrassed about being so bare in front of Sam. He looked at his younger brother's face hoping to see that he was also still unsure, but all he saw was determination and an animalistic glint in his eyes. He pulled Dean closer by his thighs, then squeezed a bit more lube onto his hand. He rubbed some on his own dick before lowering his hand to Dean's ass. He slowly brushed his finger around Dean's rim. "Sammy..." he moaned, inching his hips closer to Sam, wanting more. Sam slid a finger inside, bending his finger slightly in an attempt to hit Dean's prostate. "FUCK," Dean nearly shouted, his voice quivering with pleasure, hips rocking against Sam's hand. Sam smirked, pumping his finger inside of Dean a few times before inserting another. Due to Dean's inexperience with men Sam wanted to make sure he was totally prepped, especially because Sam had a pretty huge cock. The older hunter was gently mumbling a string obscenities, and in that moment he forgot all about the taboo nature of their act. All he cared about was Sam, who was now three fingers deep in ass. Dean's dick was was so hard that it was dripping, practically pulsating. Sam had a grip on his own cock, pumping himself in time with his other hand - the position was a bit awkward but he didn't care. "Are you ready?" Sam practically purred, making Dean's heart skip a beat. "Y-Yes," Dean choked out, lifting his hips to allow Sam to enter him. Sam pulled Dean fully into his lap. Dean rested on his knees, raised above Sam's hips as he positioned his cock underneath him. "I want you to lower yourself so you can go at your own speed," Sam whispered in his ear, goosebumps breaking out across the older hunter's neck.

Dean slowly began to lower his hips, the tip of Sam's cock entering him. The burn was intense but his lust gave him the strength to continue. He winced, his eyes tearing, but he worked through the pain until he completely engulfed Sam's dick. Sam held Dean's hips, rocking his hips a bit. "Are you okay?" he asked his older brother, not wanting to hurt him. Dean nodded, determined, and began to raise back up, using his toes for leverage. Once he was almost completely at the tip of Sam's dick he lowered back down, slowly working up a rhythm. The pleasure was unlike anything he had ever felt. He let a low moan escape his lips each time he came down on Sam's cock, allowing his head to drop between Sam's shoulder and his neck, his humid breath warming his skin. "Fuck, Dean... So tight... So perfect," he said gently in Dean's ear, grunting as his breath crossed his skin. Dean kissed Sam's neck, lightly sucking on his skin, rocking his hips in circles as Sam took over thrusting. "Fuck me, Sam, want you to come in me," he groaned, his breath hot across Sam's skin. Suddenly, Sam began moving, laying Dean back across the seat, his cock never leaving his tight ass. Sam used his knees as leverage to continue pumping into Dean, Dean's legs pressed into Sam's sides, reduced to a puddle of moans and curses. "Fuck, Sam - fuck, fuck, fuck, I'm so close," Dean nearly whined, pleasure so strong that he felt like his heart would burst. Sam moaned at his words, gripping Dean's cock and pumping it in time with his thrusts. He started thrusting roughly, hitting Dean's prostate on each pump and causing the older man to gasp. "That's it, I want you to finish." At Sam's command Dean lost control, he was practically whimpering with overwhelming pleasure, reaching his peak, streaks of come warm against Sam's abs.

Sam thrusted hard into Dean's pulsating entrance, "Dean, I'm gonna come... Gonna come for you..." he groaned, letting himself orgasm into him, filling him from the inside. Sam stayed poised for a few moments, panting and pressed up against Dean's sweaty form. Dean was so drained and blissed out that he seemed almost incoherent. They didn't speak, didn't move, didn't kiss - just held each other. After a while Sam couldn't help but smile to himself. "I love you, Dee," he whispered into his lovers ear, lightly kissing him on the lips before pushing himself up into a sitting position. Sam used his discarded shirt to wipe off his stomach, and then they helped each other get redressed - Sam's shirt was discarded into the back seat to be collected tomorrow. Silently, they both made their way to Dean's bed, where they quickly fell asleep.


A far away sound was coaxing Dean awake, and he tried his hardest to ignore it. He didn't want to wake up. He didn't want to deal with the chill soaking through to his bones. No, he wanted to rest.


Someone was calling his name. It was Sam. Dean's eyes snapped open. He was still sitting on the freezing tiles in the bathroom, his face plastered against the toilet. He blinked a few times, contemplating whether he was imagining the voice or not. He decided to close his eyes, give in to the fatigue clouding his mind. But then there it was again. "Dean," the voice was weak and strained. Sam! Dean lifted his head up, his brain flashing through the events of the past few days. Sam was sick and needed him. He unsteadily stood up - having to grip on to the stall's wall to avoid falling over - flushed the toilet, and walked over to the row of sinks. He swished his mouth out with water followed by the mouthwash that was sitting on the counter. It stung his mouth but it was refreshing. He peeked at himself in the mirror, almost jumping when he saw the monstrosity staring back at him. His eyes were encircled with dark bags, pale skin sweaty and blotchy. His hair stuck up in every direction. Dean did his best to smooth it down with some water. Luckily the bedroom was dark and he hoped Sam wouldn't notice how shitty he looked. He let out a sick groan and mentally prepared himself for the walk back to the bedroom, weaving on his feet. While he wanted nothing more than to curl up and die on the bathroom floor, he knew that Sam needed help, and that allowed him to walk hastily back to their room.

Dean walked through the door, squinting his eyes to try to see his brother through the darkness. "Sam?" he whispered, surprised at how frail his voice sounded. "Where did you go?" Sam asked, looking up from under the blankets. Dean sighed, "I just had to take a piss and then I took a pit stop in the library," he lied, taking a few more steps into the room, "are you alright?" He sat down at the corner of the bed, letting his hand rest on Sam's foot over the blanket. "I don't feel good, Dee," Sam shuddered, voice muffled by his pillow. "I know, baby," Dean whispered, rubbing Sam's leg, hoping to comfort him, "are you going to be sick?" Sam shrugged, pulling the blanket over his head, curling up into a ball. Dean glanced at the clock; 6:13 am. Sam was due for his next dose of Tylenol but he didn't want to give it to him if he was going to throw it up. His younger brother was forming complete sentences and he wasn't shivering as violently as he was before so Dean took that as a good sign. He scooted up the bed so that he was sitting next to Sam on the edge of the bed. He lightly rubbed Sam's back, slowly pulling back the blanket to get a better look at his younger brother.

His hair was a mess and his eyes looked dull and bleary, but his face wasn't as flushed as it was before. Dean reached out to touch his forehead - his fever was definitely dropping. It must have been breaking while they were on their way home from the hunt. Dean was relieved that they were likely over the worst part of Sam's illness. Ever since they were kids Dean was always there to help Sam when he was sick. Their dad was always preoccupied with hunts and alcohol, revenge driving him to work himself to the bone. It wasn't uncommon for John to shrug off his sons when they complained about a stuffy nose or upset stomach. 'Suck it up, be a man,' seemed to be his mantra, followed by telling his elementary aged sons to stop bitching. He was never one to play the role of worried, sensitive dad. Luckily Dean was always there to pick up the pieces, regardless of what he was going through himself. He found it almost therapeutic to help someone else instead of trying to clean up his own messes. Building a wall and burying his problems deep inside was easier than being honest and having to come face to face with his demons. And the whiskey always did a wonderful job of singing him to sleep.

Sam started stirring again, pushing himself up against the headboard. Dean helped him up, pulling the blanket up to his chest. "Gonna throw up," the younger hunter choked out, covering his face with his hands. Dean grabbed the garbage can off the floor, placing it in Sam's lap. Sam gripped the garbage can, panting, and pushed his hair away from his face. Dean repositioned himself to be at Sam's side. He pushed his brother's hair back, soothingly brushing his fingertips over his brother's scalp. Sam instantly vomited over the garbage can, a rush of liquid splashing against the metal bottom. Dean squeezed his eyes closed, trying to ignore the way his stomach tensed up. Sam vomited a few more times but he was finished pretty quickly. His body was so tired that it didn't even have the energy to waste it's time gagging and spluttering. Dean took the can from him as soon as he was done, placing it on the ground. He sat on the bed next to his brother, grabbing the water bottle off the nightstand. He handed it to Sam, "drink." Sam took the cap off and took a few small sips before closing the bottle and putting it down on the bed. "Are you ready for me to take the can away or do you think you'll need it again soon?" he asked, motioning towards the garbage can. "Take it," Sam whimpered, curling back up under the blanket. Dean nodded, grabbing it by the edge, holding it as far away from his face as he possibly could. He speed walked to the nearest bathroom and dumped it out into the first toilet he caught sight of. Squeezing his eyes shut he hit the flusher with his foot. Then he practically threw the garbage can into the shower to wash it out - he didn't have the patience to wash it out in the sink. He turned the shower on as hot as he could and let it fill the can, at which point he dumped it out. Rinse and repeat. Dean grabbed the waste basket by the edge again and waved it back and forth, trying to dry it off as well as he could without needing to put his hand inside of it.

Groaning, Dean speed walked back to the bedroom. Sam is so fucking lucky that I love him so much, he complained to himself in his head, when he gets better he fucking owes me one. He sighed, placing the can back on the floor next to Sam, his head swirling with dizziness and his legs threatening to give out. Dean sat on the edge of the bed, resting his head in his hands. "Dean?" Sam asked in a small voice, touching his brother's back. "Holy shit Dean, you're burning up," Sam began to sit up. "I'm fine, Sam," the elder hunter brushed away his brother's hand, grabbing the bottle of tylenol. He opened it and handed three to Sam, taking out four for himself. "Just a headache, I'll live," he muttered, swallowing down the pills and handing the water bottle back to Sam. "Take these, you're overdue." Sam listened, popping the pills in his mouth and taking them as instructed. "Come on, lay down," Sam invited, pulling the blanket back for Dean. Dean laid down next to Sam big spoon style. Sam was still shaking but his body temperature seemed to be evening out. "Dean, if you're sick can you please just tell me?" Sam looked up at him with his best puppy eye routine. Dean couldn't help but smile. "Sammy, I'm fine, try to sleep. You won't get better until you sleep and I'm tired of taking care of your sorry ass," he joked, lightly kissing the younger hunter. Sam rolled over to face Dean fully, kissing him harder, their bodies pressed against each other. "I'm not kidding, baby. Sleep. Now." Dean closed his eyes to accentuate his point. Sam smirked, cuddling into dean and letting his head rest on his brothers chest. They fell asleep listening to each other's heart beat.


When Dean woke up Sam wasn't in bed. He glanced at the nightstand; 2:48 pm. He had slept literally all day. He tried to push himself and winced, feeling just how utterly soaked in sweat he was. He needed to get up, take a shower, and put on new clothes. He sat up and swung his feet over the edge of the bed, his head felt heavy and his vision turned grey. For a moment he thought he might pass out, but after a few seconds he started to regain his strength and he mentally prepared himself to walk. Moving in general made his whole body scream with pain, his stomach churning and his head threatening to explode if he took a single step. Dean braced a hand on the nightstand and slowly pulled himself up. He wavered on his feet, stretching out his left hand to hold himself up against the wall. His vision was swimming and it sounded like he was underwater. He took a few more steps and made it to the doorway, leaning against the door, his hands holding onto both sides of the door jamb. He looked out into the hallway, hoping to see Sam there, but he wasn't. "Sam," Dean tried to call out to his brother but his voice was betraying him and all he made a small squeak. He cleared his throat, "Sam!" This time he was able to properly yell, but he used up all of his energy. His vision went black and he felt himself fall onto the ground.




There was that fucking voice again. Why wouldn't it leave him alone? Why was it so set on not letting him rest? Dean dismissed the voice and gave back into the darkness, allowing it to engulf him. Dean! Wake up! You're scaring me! the voice was pleading with him now, and he felt as if he was being shaken. Slowly Dean began to snap out of it, returning to reality.

It came back all at once. His dream land and the darkness instantly vanished, leaving him feeling sick and weak. He groaned pitifully, attempting to open his eyes. "Dean!" Sam barked, a cold hand being pressed against his forehead. Dean made a pathetic attempt to shoo his hand away. "S'op," he mumbled, words not cooperating. "'M r'igh 'ere," he opened his eyes slightly and saw Sam's face. He looked terrified. "Wha' hap'nd?" he inquired, trying to figure out why he was on the ground. He started to attempt to push himself up, but Sam help him down. Dean was so weak that Sam's gentle hand on his shoulder was enough to hold him in place. "You... fainted," Sam hesitated on the word 'fainted,' wanting to save Dean from any embarrassment, but he was too worried to care about his pride. "Dean, you're burning up and you're dehydrated. I knew you were sick. Why didn't you tell me?" he tried to keep his words gentle but Dean could hear a hard edge. "Look who's a kettle calling a black pot..." Dean said, totally sure that he got that saying correct. "Dean..." Sam started but Dean cut him off, "shut up. You know what I meant." Dean winced, overpowering Sam's loose grip on his shoulder so he could sit up. His head started swimming again and he let out a sick whimper, leaning his head against his lovers shoulder. "Sam... Can we please go back to bed..." he pleaded, unable to stand on his own. Sam ran his hand over the back of his brother's head, looping his arms around Dean's waist and helping him up. Once he was standing the older hunter was hit with a wave of nausea. He doubled over and gagged, silently happy that he was dehydrated since he had nothing in his stomach to throw up. "Are you alright?!" Sam practically yelled, nervous and unsure how to help. Dean almost never got sick, but when he did it was bad. He's almost positive that he's only seen Dean sick enough where he couldn't care for himself three times - when he needed his appendix out, when he had his heart attack, and when the mark was ravaging his body. Usually when Dean shows any signs of sickness he locks himself away for a few days, and then once he emerges he's good as new, almost like a caterpillar cocooning itself into a butterfly. Sam halfway dragged Dean to the bed, helping him sit down on the edge. "I know you feel like shit but you need to drink water," Sam said gently, giving Dean's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "Yeah, yeah, yeah..." Dean groaned, falling backwards against the mattress.

stomach flu, sickfic, hurt/comfort, wincest, dean winchester, season eleven, sam winchester, sick sam, masterlist, in sickness and in health, sick dean

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