
Dec 15, 2012 01:53

Title: Dirt
Rating: PG
Fandom: Green Day
Pairing: Mike/Tre
Warnings: None
Word Count: 100
Notes: Another drabble.
Prompt: Dirt at lover100
Summary: It's a good day.

Tre buries his hands in the warm dirt, grinning when Mike shakes his head at him. They're working in Mike's garden today and Tre finds he likes it more than he thought he would. He likes the feel of the Earth under his hands, the sun warm on his back, Mike beside him, showing him what to do.

It's a nice change of pace from the frantic rush of their usual lives, running here and there and pleasing everyone else.

Tre leans over and presses a chaste kiss to Mike's lips, catching him by surprise. It's a good day today.

fandom: green day, challenge: lover100, pairing: mike/tre

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