things wot i made

Mar 01, 2017 17:31

Long time, no post. I don't manage to keep up with lj much these days because the mobile format sucks. Regardless, went to nashville supernatural con this weekend. I will post some pics when i have the jpegs, but in the meantime, here's a couple things i made for it.sorry to those seeing this multiple times.

Autograph art: I'm not big on autographs, but my ticket came with a bunch. So i decided to haul out a style of drawing i haven't done in a while and make a thing for them all to sign. Larger pic + detail. While i don't normally do this, i added character names and words in with the swirls to give it a little something more. You can find some of them in the detail shot.

1967 impala cosplay:

Baby: When I'm Gone - fanvid.
My first fanvid! <3 to bironic for her help and encouragement.
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