
Jul 12, 2011 17:51

dear car dealers,
If you don't bother to read my emails, why would I want to do business with you?
"I want OTD pricing" does not mean I want you just to give me the MSRP on the vehicle and nothing else.
"I have test driven the vehicle already" does not mean you should invite me to the dealership to test drive the vehicle (which, by the way, none of you actually have in stock. I know because I had to drive 2 hours away to do the test drive).
"I want to use email to correspond and do not use my phone" is not a clever ruse, it's the truth. Trying to call me will result in you leaving messages that annoy me, and probably frustrate you. Telling me to call you to set up/discuss anything will only result in my emails becoming more abrupt.
"I know there are none of this specific vehicle in stock but am interested in ordering one to my specifications" does not mean I need you to tell me that there are none with that build/color in the US. Also, how stupid are those of you that just tell me there aren't any in stock and don't even suggest that I could order one built to my specs? Way to go after the sale, buddy.
Telling me I should call you so that we can discuss the options I want, after i've stated which options i want int the email, pretty much means I'm going to assume you are illiterate and ignore you.

Seriously, and I mean, Seriously, I am half tempted to rule out 90% of the dealerships I've requested quotes from because they don't actually appear capable of reading my email or responding to what I'm asking for. I really don't feel I'm being misleading or obscure in my statements here. WTF people.

and don't even get me started on how work is.
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