Grace Through the Space of Our Mind.

Sep 19, 2007 22:36

How do we evolve? By stopping the rituals and worshiping of the mythologies of the past. We have to learn from the past, not to make the same mistakes as our ancestors before we can move into the future. Other wise we keep repeating the same catastrophes.

Look at the word LAM or IAM it means "The Way" in some eastern philosophies. I am (as in yourself) are the way. The way to seeking your own truth. If we each make our own way and we learn to share and realize that we are all equal and infinite and special.  We all win.  We all quit fighting with, and hating each other for our unique-ness and our diversity. If we realize that we don't need to fight over material possessions because we can create our own happiness in our own mind, then there will be nothing to fight about and everything to gain.

Organized Religion must come to an end or be reformatted. Organized Religion is the survivor's guide or Owner's Manual of the "gods" or "leaders" of each culture (including laws) that were taken literal and turned into a worshiping service.

Oh, I wish they would see their own light. I see all the symbolism in many things our language and such. Words tell us so much through their origin. The best book or resource anyone could own is an etymology book.

Evolution comes from within. Peace comes from within and love comes from within and truth comes from within all of us. We are all connected and all singular bodies at the same time. I am so ready for change:

To everything - turn, turn, turn
There is a season - turn, turn, turn
And a time for every purpose under heaven

A time to be born, a time to die
A time to plant, a time to reap
A time to kill, a time to heal
A time to laugh, a time to weep

To everything - turn, turn, turn
There is a season - turn, turn, turn
And a time for every purpose under heaven

A time to build up, a time to break down
A time to dance, a time to mourn
A time to cast away stones
A time to gather stones together

To everything - turn, turn, turn
There is a season - turn, turn, turn
And a time for every purpose under heaven

A time of war, a time of peace
A time of love, a time of hate
A time you may embrace
A time to refrain from embracing

To everything - turn, turn, turn
There is a season - turn, turn, turn
And a time for every purpose under heaven

A time to gain, a time to lose
A time to rend, a time to sew
A time to love, a time to hate
A time of peace, I swear it's not too late!

There is no time for killing and for war. There is no excuse for taking another's life. No matter if you are a God, organization, or individual. No one gives any body else the right to hurt anyone else. That is where the hippies went wrong. When one instructs another person, they are trying to play god. No matter how you look at it.

We have to go where no one else has gone before. Space the final frontier...the space of our own minds. Defined as our Temple, our mansions, our heaven or our KABBA. Our Mecca or world trade center of our mind. Our Khem is our place beyond the sea, the celestial shores or whatever you want to label it. Akkashic records our Halls of Horus our labyrinth of our mind.

We have got to learn to move forward and to share. This is the dawning of the age of the Aquarius the star. An awakening much like the "Enlightenment Period" of the founding fathers who were composed of Masonic Deists or "Great White Light" movement by John Locke.  A sense of Catharsis without any suffering. No killing just learning and sharing and helping understand tolerance. The great cleansing of our souls. The genesis of our mind with the product being our personal creations. No one's way is better than the other's.

Aquarius is the star holder and the water carrier. Water is life and light. As humans and because we are on this spinning rock of mass and energy in space, you could infer that we as life forms on this earth are swirling bodies or bags of water. Mankind is full of water and star light or for lack of a better word, soul. We are Aquarius. We are the stars. Man shaped like a star. Light of the star.

So many people were close to seeing the truth but they never got there. They got stuck in an idea or let the "holy spirit", greed and power go to their head. They perverted it into being something for their own gain. Even Hitler twisted it around and slapped Jewish stars. He places a star of David or Seal of Solomon on his victims.  The seal of Solomon, which means sun and star and the worship of these stellar embodiments, is one of a stellar/solar cult. Many of the religious movements or doctrines use Solomon’s practices and teachings for erection of their temples, churches or organizations and for instructions on how to lead the people.  Hitler placed this mark on his sacrifices. In his psychotic mind he saw the Jews as a star race he thought were Cain's serpent children. He felt they should be eliminated. I don’t understand why but I can see the origin of where the problem or idea came into his distorted mind. He also felt that the individual imperfections of the old, disfigured or mentally challenged people should be eliminated as well because they had no purpose for life in his eyes. I believe this is wrong too. This man was highly delusional and lived inside of fairy tales and conspiracies. He did not value anyone’s life but his own.

Delusions create monsters. He misinterpreted the message or word of God, about the serpent and the rainbow as a literal serpent race. It is symbolism from the ancients used to describe the science of the labeled and defined. The mythology was taken literally instead of as a story intended to show people a way of surviving.  The serpent or dragons of fairy tales is the imaginary ourobourous that spins the world. There is a need for fantasy but there is more a need of reality and logic. The ancient’s idea of the ourobourous was replaced by the scientific theory of Gravity. Life is math, or Pi, the golden mean, all swirling explanations of letters and numbers, points and nodes in a grid of space. God is the unexplained and the Bible is a caveman’s interpretation of the unexplained and undefined.

The serpent is a ray of light that makes the world keep going’s the energy of the cosmic womb. Geb is the Stars, Nuns associate with midnight or Noon, for example midnight mass on Saturn-day Night Sabbaths. Night Equates with space or Nuit the Goddess of Infinite space the nuns where black and white just like the stars and particles of light. Polarities and balances of existence.

The cloister or holy of hollies are the evangelists and politicians of this world. They even have their own chamber where they delegate or play scribe or high priest to the rulers of this country. A hidden corridor or path. the labyrinth or tunnels of another's mind. Secret passages or underground railroad of the mind. The lobbyist for whatever organized movement they are trying to "passover" to the people. The People are the true holders of this universe. Not a singularity. True Social Democracy is the way to go forward. Everyone is Equal. Everyone has a right. Everyone has a voice. Not the few speaking for the many.

It is not through Pisces the fish, (which they have tried through out this zodiac period of 2000 years). The Pisces or the Dagon or the fish priests have been in power. If we are all fish in the sea but not the kind you catch by a hook. Jesus was a fisherman but he was an architect trying to build a rainbow to heaven or stair way to heaven. It is tzaddi as the star and not the hook. You can't catch the fish or imprison them. They are energy. WE are in a primordial or cosmic sea of life. What are we? What is our core? We are energy!!!!!

While I feel that all religions and Christianity especially is mythology and there was no physical manifestation of the son of god, there is symbolism and association. The earth or garden, is a place where you grow your fruits or food. The sun provides life and light to sustain those things. The cross is a symbol of light or the sun. Without rain from the heavens and sunshine the plants or fruits will not grow. This association to the tree or plants of the garden is also one to the cycle of life. Procreation the spreading of our seeds whether they are physical, mental or emotional is our seeds or garden to take care of. It is our means for survival.

Why do we search for heaven or look to the stars? Why look for a better place after death, when you can manifest a better place in your time of life? Heavens is all the stars and planets around us or that surrounds us. Life or particles in the space around us. Space is immeasurable and indefinable and uncontainable. We can take up space but space cannot take up space. So if Creation is so vast and so universally big and uncomprehendable to our mind. Could you not agree that this also fits the description of God? Could you not say that all the planets including this planet and all the known and unknown galaxies (including Stars, suns or planets)? Some people believe that when you were born a star was born, the constellations depict various myths and fables and gods before. Why do people look towards the heavens when the pray? Why do they look up towards the sky when they think? Why do we search for the truth or light? Why are heavenly chariots illustrated as beams of light or flying lights or angels? Why is there an association to Light with every religious idea? Why do we need light? What do stars and suns do to our sky or infinite space? They reflect light. So if we have that energy or light inside of us and God does to and we are composed of gods light and in gods image and you could say that we are all gods lights or stars and we compose space too or the universe...everything has its part in the Big GOD. We are one big web of stars, the spiral dance through the cosmos. Circular orbs of light spinning through infinity. All together in a cosmic dance of Chaos and Cosmos.

space cadets unite

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