Week Recap - {10/17/2005-10/20/2005}

Oct 23, 2005 16:56

Monday me and Adam hung out here after school until 4. Then I went to work. I came home and did homework then went to bed.

Tuesday after school I went to Drooge's with Adam. We played some music. Then at 5 we went and got cody and came back. We left at 5:30. We went to Adam's and played baseball. Me and Kev beat Cody and Adam 7-2? Then we played football. Me and Cody lost 7-6 i believe. Then we went to 7-11 and I came home. I watched the Bruins lose. They blow dick. I talked to Nikkahs and went to bed.

Wednesday after school I went to Drooge's again with Adam. At 4:30 we went and got Cody. The second we got back to Drooge's they decided to walk back to ADams to play baseball. So me and Drooge decided to drive around. My car started making noises, so we had Jimmy look at it. Me and Cody got a card from Katie thanking us for our presents/presence at her party. Then we went to find Will who had 4 cop cars chasing him. Cody saw one of Will's friends on a bike which he thought was his. It wasn't. I saw Tristan...He loves me cause I'm beautiful. Then we came back. I dropped Cody off at home. Then we went to Leah's. Her dad didn't want her hanging out with us, so he made her come in. Then we went to Burger King and the lady thought I was drop dead gorgeous so she gave me a bunch of coupons to Burger King. WE picked up a Biggen, and then I dropped Adam and Drooge at home. I came home, and then did shum homework. Then, I went to bed.

Thursday I came here with Adam. We looked out the window and Will was bleeding. He was fighting with his dad. There were 4 cop cars, and will was taken to a hospital. Then I went to work until 8. I went to Cody's after, and watched the Buffalo game with him and adam. It was a close game. We lost though obviously. I came home at 9:30 and talked to Nikkahs then went to bed.
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