i saw this in
maris_stella's journal, which had itself been linked from someplace else, so i had to link too (thanks jenn) :P
( Arch Enemy ) hah did he expect itd make him turn into arnold schwarzenegger?? its getting way out of hand, at the rate its going pretty soon people will be able to drink a bottle of drano and then sue the makers of drano for poisoning! since its not like anyone is ultimately responsible for what they choose to put into their mouths *rollage of the eyes*...its not the Food Police's job to stop you from chomping down on that whopper...but yeah, i dont dispute mcdonalds isnt premium fare, but i cant believe this guy thinks 1 person is enough to lend his "study" scientific credence! just looking at what he chose (which didnt appear in this version of the story) he didnt even get the portions right, he really overate, if he had watched his calories and not gone over 2000 or so, im sure the results would have been different. and i know people complain about the large size of portions offered, but then people are always complaining about the high cost of food too, who's to criticize a better value? and who says you have to eat every speck on the tray, besides you can always share.
every person is different. what may be fine for one person to eat might not be for another. if they had brought in louie anderson to do the diet instead he'd have been rushed to hospital for starvation...no one says you must get quadruple double big mac meals supersized with extra mayo and gristle...get something smaller! if you dont know the proper amount of food intake thats right for you, you shouldnt be at a fast food joint! you should be in the produce section of king kullen! i think his study shows more than anything else that overeating of any one thing in general can be bad for your health, and that its important to have a variety of different foods in your diet.
bottom line - who doesnt know youre not supposed to live on mcdonalds as your only source of food!!