Mar 28, 2006 10:27
Lets just say that if thats a party then I will never attend one of those ever again. That has to be the worse party experiences I have ever had but thats okay I suppose. I found out who some of my real friends where Saturday Night.
Huge shout out to T and Scoobie who were nice enough to let Matt and I crash at Scoobie's place. Which was really nice of them seeing as though we totally messed up thier plans of being alone that night. Sorry about that I still feel bad about messing up thier evening but it werent for them Saturday night would have been much worse than it was already. Thanks guys it really did mean alot to me. Huggs to T and Scoobie
I also get to be on the advance team for my new job. I am super happy this means I get to start work weeks before the other workers. I get the fun task along with three other people to train the rest of the workers at my job when it comes time for them to start work. I talked to my boss yesterday about getting one of my friends a job......I really hope he gets the job I put in a really good word in for him and told her what a hard worker he is. When he gets the interview the rest is up to him. I think he will do just fine and get the job.
I just got off the phone with my boyfriend Matt and he needs to figure out some shit. Why the hell would someone hire you back at a job saying they will start you off at a higher pay than when you were with them last time and then pay you almost $2 less than what you were making. I had to almost yell at him to go to work that not showing up because you arent getting your way isnt the way to handle things.
Sigh things for me are so strange besides the fact I am truly sick of being sick. This semster has to have been my worse one thus far I have missed so much class because I keep getting sick. I have to talk to my english teacher tomorrow. Oh joy and happiness. Yeah right. (rolls eyes)
The thing I must say I am some what suprised that I am doing so well with the very little of sleep I got last night. I was on the phone with my friend Dave for like 4 hours. Thank god it wasnt in a row. We talked for an hour and 54 mintues the first time we were on the phone with each other. Then he said he would call me back cause his girlfriend was on the other line. He called back and we talked for an hour and 43 mintues the second time. Thats one of the longest times I have talked to a person. Dave is really cool for his age and its about damn time I can talk to someone and people dont think I am trying to other things than being a friend. People you have no clue how much that shit drives me up the wall. But its cool.
I have to go soon I have class. Yippie! I'm also getting my tattoo touched up today, I am really happy parts of it really need it. Holla at your girl
Kisses to my friends