Title: The Scars of Your Love [3/3]
Author: synergyfox
Pairing: Cara/Dahlia, Cara/Kahlan
Rating: M
Warnings: Nothing triggery.
Word Count: 2,298
Disclaimer: Trust me, it's a good thing I don't own LotS because there would be a lot more nekkid and Mord'Sith.
Summary: A chance to right past wrongs.
This would be the... sequel to
Crimson Regret.
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First of all, the title! - all the while I was reading this I have ''the scars of your love, remind me of us, they keep me thinking that we almost have it all.'' playing in my head (in a very sad way) and it just becomes so overwhelming when a particular sad line comes up. (Basically whenever Cara mentions Kahlan or Kahlan trying to touch Cara).
I love this story so much; it brings out so much feelingsssss!!!!! Poor Cara *hug*, poor Kahlan *hug*, and Dahlia honey, I'm so glad Cara has Dahlia to raise her kids with her.
All the characters are so lovable in this fic (except Richard obviously)! I just want to see them be all happy and cuddle all the time. ><
And I can't believe this is a happy ending; after the first two parts, I fully expected this to be so angsty that I would just curl up in a ball in the middle of my lecture room. lol But hey, I'm so not complaining!
Can't wait for the one shots that follow! You're awesome! *Massive hug*
You can thank thedawn for the appropriate use of that title. I'm insanely glad you enjoyed the story and yes... they all need hugs (except Richard). Let's just let them have one giant cuddle orgy.
It has... a happy ending for now.
Aw... not the middle of the lecture room! People would be like O.o
*beams and hugs* Glad you find me awesome.
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