A Twist of Fate (3/?)

Mar 16, 2011 21:24

Title: A Twist of Fate (3/?)
Pairing: Mord'Sith!Kahlan/Confessor!Cara, Seeker!Denna/SotL!Dahlia
Rating: T for now
Warnings: Mord'Sith... that's warning? Do I need to warn for that? 
Disclaimer: Most certainly not mine.
Summary: Zedd fails to get Richard from Brennidon (doesn't get the note, whatever) and fate basically says, "well what the hell do I do now?" The answer is simple... it cover's its ass.
Note: This was jolo_65's xMas gift, now it's just hers.
Note 2: I tried to keep the characters in character as much as possible given the situations...

Cara sat with her knees drawn to her chest, hands pressed firmly over her ears. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she tried to block out the sound of Denna's agonized screams; her long, blonde hair fell over her shoulders - shielding her from what was happening outside of her cell. She trembled and did not dare to pull her hands down when a rat scampered over her booted feet for fear that the screams would intensify. Strong hands grasped her wrists, yanking them away from her ears; she trembled as she was yanked up and slammed into the wall behind her - head hitting the hard stone.

"Oh no you don't Confessor. You're going to listen to your friend's screams. Mistress Kahlan ordered it."

The screams were much louder now and Cara struggled against the Mord'Sith holding her, "stop it! Stop hurting her!"

A leather clad hand gripped her throat, pressing the Rada'Han into her throat hard enough to leave a mark. "I'd gag you if I could Confessor. This will have to do." Pain flooded her body and she arched her back as the Mord'Sith tightened her grip on the Agiel digging into her ribs.

The Mord'Sith slid her Agiel back into its holster almost lovingly before grabbing Cara by her collar and dragging her towards the cell door. "Let go of me you D'Haran whore!" Cara rasped and the woman sneered, barring her teeth as threw Cara to the side, watching her hit the ground with a soft cry and a louder thud.

"I let go of you. Now shut your mouth, your new Mistress is waiting." She leaned down and clasped the end of a chain on Cara's Rada'Han, yanking up. Cara grunted as she was pulled to her knees and managed to stand just in time to keep from being dragged out.

She lifted her hands to grasp the chain and the back of the woman's hand met her face, "don't you dare touch that chain. You aren't worth the metal it's made from."

"You are not worth the leather you are dressed in." Cara snarled, straining against her captor.

The Mord'Sith came to a stop in the hall and turned slowly, eyes narrowing in rage. "What did you say, girl?"

"You are not worth the leather you are dressed in." She managed to mock the Mord'Sith, feeling a small amount of victory at the shocked look crossing the other woman's features.


Her vision blurred as her head bounced off of the wall and she tried to focus on Mord'Sith in front of her but failed miserably. "You're lucky I can't train you myself."

Her ears rang.

Her head throbbed.

A tug at her chain forced her to stumble along, knocking into the walls and occasionally tripping over nothing. After what felt like hours (but in reality was only a few minutes at most) Cara was pushed to her knees. Thanks to the head wound she wound up landing on all fours, her balance off kilter. A scream pierced her ears and Cara tilted her head up, stomach lurching when she caught sight of Denna hanging from a set of chains above a pit on a raised floor.


"You said you would let her go."

Cara squinted up at Denna as she tried to concentrate, "I said I would let her live. I never said I would let her go."

Soft, leather gloves caressed her face and Cara's eyes shifted towards the owner, staring into pools of sapphire. "Lord Rahl wishes for me to break her, Confessor. What if I told you you had the power to make it all go away? That you have the power to make her suffering end at my hand."

"I would not believe you. You are Mord'Sith. You spin lies and whisper false hopes."

Fingertips traced down an invisible line on her throat, "I can guarantee it. The Seeker would merely be Lord Rahl's pet."

"Don't do anything she says, Cara." Denna let out with a pained breath, glaring hard at the Mord'Sith touching her friend.


"Cara." Denna warned, struggling against her chains only to have an Agiel press into her ribs. A scream escaped her lips and she tried to move away from the weapon.

Cara trembled and brought her hands to her ears, a sob slipping free, "What do you want? Please, stop hurting her."

The Mord'Sith gave her a relatively kind smile and Cara closed her eyes as the bare fingers caressed her neck. "I want you to break willingly for me." Lips traced brushed against her jaw, "I don't want to hurt you if I don't have to."

"She's lying Cara, don't believe a word!" Denna yelped as the Agiel bit briefly into her ribs.

Cara opened her eyes and stared into the sapphire pools once more, "I'm not lying Cara."

The Confessor frowned and tilted her head to the side, "you are." She didn't know why or how she could read the Mord'Sith but she could. An Agiel pressed into her throat and her eyes widened in pain as she tried to get away from pain - the position of the weapon keeping her from screaming.

"This is going to be fun."

Cara trembled as she knelt next to the Mord'Sith, watching as the woman from her cell press her Agiel to Denna's ribs. The Mord'Sith next to her brushed her fingers through her hair, whispering lies and playing with her heart like a finely tuned instrument.

“I know your secret, Confessor. You want someone to care for you. Love you despite your powers; someone not to fear you. Your Seeker cares for you, loves you even... but you know subconsciously that even she fears your touch.” Fresh tears slid down Cara's cheeks and the woman pulled a single glove off with her teeth. She lifted her hand and wiped at the tears, pressing her lips to Cara's shoulder. “I do not fear your touch and I am Mord'Sith, what does that say about your Seeker?”

“Don't believe he-agh!” Denna seized up as an Agiel grazed across her ribs again, “D'Haran whore!” The Agiel pressed firmly into her ribs again and Denna's body went rigid as she attempted to hold back her scream for Cara's sake.

The Mord'Sith at Cara's side slowly pulled her other glove off, bringing her hand up to thread her fingers into Cara's hair. “You want someone to touch you. You're lonely.”

“I...” she closed her eyes.

// Slight POV Shift here

Denna groaned in pain again, wanting nothing more than to let loose a scream. Denna's eyes fluttered shut as she forced her mind from the current situation. Her thoughts drifted to Dahlia and the way her eyes lit up whenever she learned something new; the half smile she got when planning a prank. She focused on the feel of Dahlia's soft lips against her own and the way she fit so perfectly in her arms.

A scream.

Denna's eyes snapped open, taking a few seconds to focus on her surroundings again. Cara was slumped over against the Mord'Sith who had been torturing her before - Mistress Kahlan. Her normally sun-kissed skin was as pale as her white dress, her hand even pale as she clutched a dagger in it - entire body quivering.

The Seeker watched in horror as Kahlan brushed her lips against Cara's temple, cooing softly but loud enough for Denna to hear. "I will not touch her..." Kahlan promised, cupping Cara's face gently as she whimpered in pain. "Such a good girl. So obedient."

Denna's jaw clenched as Cara leaned into Kahlan's touch, eyes closed, rivets of sweat blazing trails down her face from the pain of cutting her own hair. A small whimper escaped Cara's lips and Kahlan moved around, leather creaking with every move. "Shh, I know it hurts. I'm so proud of you.."

Cara's skin was ashen as Kahlan stood, pulling the young Confessor up and against her. "I am going to take you to my chambers. Close your eyes and relax. I know your head is throbbing. I will take care of you."

Denna's stomach dropped when three words escaped Cara's lips.

"Thank you, Mistress."


Kahlan brushed her fingers gently through the Confessor's short, blonde locks, "you're such a good girl, Cara."

"Mistress. Please let Denna go... I'll stay here... do whatever you ask of me."

Kahlan smiled softly at the young woman's devotion to her friend and gently pressed her lips to Cara's forehead. "I cannot do that, Cara. I cannot and will not disobey Lord Rahl. Lord Rahl wishes for her to be broken." She watched the distress cross over Cara's features and frowned, internally questioning herself as to why she felt compelled to try and get the woman to smile. "Raina will train her. She is not as brutal."

Cara relaxed on the bed of the Mord'Sith, trembling quite a bit less now, the pain fading as she knew it would. "Thank you, Mistress"

"Rest. You will have a bath in the morning."

"Thank you, Mistress."

Kahlan gave her a pleased smile before climbing easily off of the bed, chuckling when Cara tensed against the crimson sheets. "Relax, Confessor. I am merely taking my leathers off. You will be trained how to do this tomorrow." She watched the color return to Cara's cheeks and easily rid herself of the blood red leathers, folding them neatly before climbing easily into bed. A soft purr escaped her as soon as she slid under the satin sheets.

She remained quiet for a few moments before glancing to Cara - still laying atop the covers. "Take your dress off and get under the covers."

"I'd rather not."

Kahlan's eyes hardened and she moved to grab her Agiel from the bedside table.

Cara was out of her dress and under the covers in seconds.

"So eager to please."

"Y-y-es Mistress..." Cara stuttered out, clearly embarrassed by her nudity.

Kahlan's lips twitched and she moved closer to Cara, gently brushing her hand against the Confessor's bare arm. "Relax, Confessor..." Kahlan leaned down and pressed her lips to Cara's, keeping it as gentle as she could, not wishing to startle her.

She let her hand trail to Cara's stomach, drawing small patterns and occasionally letting her fingers graze against the undersides of Cara's breasts.

Cara let out a small gasp as Kahlan's hand moved between her legs, fingers brushing through her curls - eyes watering. "Mistress..."

"This will have to change. I want you bare." Kahlan's fingers moved between Cara's folds, brushing against her clit.

"Mistress... please... I..."

Kahlan smirked and brushed her fingers lightly against Cara's clit, watching as she involuntarily reacted - her stomach twisted and a frown graced her features. She pulled her hand away, something keeping her from taking Cara in that instant.

Kahlan rolled her eyes and flopped onto her side in a highly undignified manner, "sleep. You will have a bath tomorrow and learn your duties."

Cara let out a small sigh of relief and her eyes fluttered shut.

The deal was struck.

She wasn't as bothered as she thought she would be... knowing she was the only Confessor to willingly bow down to a Mord'Sith.


Kahlan's eyes snapped open as cold metal touched her wrists, her eyes darted around, trying to find whoever was responsible for this treachery. They landed on Cara, standing next to the bed, clutching a key tightly in her hand. "What in the name of the Keeper do you think you're doing, Confessor?" Kahlan's question came out in a low, dangerous snarl.

"Escaping with Denna." The words sounded so very simple and if Kahlan had not been so focused on the fact that she was chained to her own bed she would have found her confidence incredibly sexy. A single dagger was clasped tightly in Cara's hand and Kahlan immediately recognized it as the one she kept on her bedside table next to her Agiel.

"... these will not stop me, Cara. I will punish you, if you let me go right now I will merely spank you for your indiscretion. You do not know any better."

Cara shook her head, clutching the dagger tighter, "no. I won't let the Seeker fall into the hands of Lord Rahl. It is my duty to protect her at all costs." She turned and fled Kahlan's chambers, leaving the Mord'Sith to struggle against her bonds. Kahlan stared after her, memorized by the way her white dress shifted.

"I will whip you girl!" Kahlan shouted, straining against her restraints.


Denna panted with a pained expression as she tried to control her responses to the pain of the Agiel resting against her inner thigh. She barely registered the Agiel clattering to the floor - only the lack of pain; Denna forced her eyes to open, looking into Cara's eyes.

"Cara?" She croaked, glancing down to find the Mord'Sith who had been torturing her with a dagger through the back, laying on the floor.

Her childhood friend offered her a light smile before moving to the lever and lowering Denna slowly down into the pit enough to reach her wrists. Cara gently released Denna from the chains and grunted as the taller blonde's weight fell completely on top of her.

"Denna. I know you're hurting right now... but I need you to walk." A groan escaped Denna's lips and she the weight increased, nearly causing Cara's knees to buckle. Cara grunted again and braced herself enough to support Denna's weight. "Alright. I guess I'm carrying you."

She only got a groan in response.

Cara grimaced and moved Denna around, pulling the Seeker's arm around her shoulders; her eyes scanned the room and she maneuvered them as quickly as possible, grasping the hilt of the Sword of Truth. "Dead weight." Cara muttered, rolling her eyes.

"Key... s'over..." Denna's head rolled to the side and Cara glanced around, spotting a small silver key hanging on the wall.

Footsteps sounded around them and Cara shook her head, "it'll be fine. Dahlia can get it off somehow when we find her."

Hours seemed to pass as Cara carried Denna towards the exit, the occasional groan escaping from Denna's lips and a grunt escaping from Cara.

Just a few more steps... just a few more and we're free.

The second they made it to the third step down the Temple stairs the scream of Agiels reached Cara's ears; pain exploded at the base of her skull and she yelped in pain. Both blonde hit the ground and rolled down the steps, landing in a heap at the base of the Temple.

"Grab. Them."


A soft hand grasped hers and the air changed.

The scent of fresh water filled her nostrils, "Shh... it's alright..."


Cara's eyes fluttered shut.
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