Title: A Twist of Fate (2/?)
Pairing: Mord'Sith!Kahlan/Confessor!Cara, Seeker!Denna/SotL!Dahlia
Rating: T for now
Warnings: If you have not seen Season 1, Episode 8 - Denna... and don't wanna be spoiled... don't read this chapter... or the next. Mentions of Dennee/Cara, but past references only.
Disclaimer: Most certainly not mine.
Summary: Zedd fails
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I have a question. Why couldn't Denna use the sword to fight the Mord'Sith? Richard always used it against them in a fight. I know the sword is magic but it is also a pretty sharp blade. Just wondering.
I suppose I should take a gander at those episodes just to get a better feel for the back story of Kahlan and Richard. It's just hard for me to watch those episodes without Cara in them.
Thank you for taking the time to explain.
But basically that's what Mord'Sith do, you know when Cara redirects magic back at Sorceress', Wizards and other such things? Pretty much the same thing with the Sword of Truth cos it's a magical object.
As for watching season 1, it isn't necessary if you really don't want to in terms of this fic because everything will be explained in due time ^_^
Glad you are enjoying it so far.
So, on with your story - Soon, I hope!
Episode 3: Bounty - just for the sheer fact of Kahlan being EPIC and there being a Shadrin [with it's liver intact, obviously, Cara hasn't gotten her hands on it]. It makes a reappearance in Princess just so Cara can haz aphrodisiac.
Episode 8: Denna - *hnnngs* Just the opening scene alone...
Episode 15: Conversion - Three words. Con'Dar. Kahlan. Epic.
Episode 16: Bloodline - Denna's back.
Episode 18: Mirror - THE crack episode. The one that will have you holding your sides laughing so hard you can't breath. Do not watch in public; people will think you are having a seizure.
And obviously Episode 22: Reckoning - Cara... hellooooo.
I'll have to order the season one dvd now. Netflix used to have it streaming, like they do season two - but no more. Ya making me work!
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