A few hours ago to add to my daily walking I walked over to the post office to mail off one of our Netflix DVDs. I was half a block from the post office when I see this man in his late 40s/early 50s zip out of a driveway on a scooter. That reminded me that I'd told
brain_o_shaner about an ad I saw in one of the small local indie papers selling scooters for ~$1500. So in my head I'm thinking that I'm seeing more and more people on motorcycles, bicycles, and scooters like this guy and it's about time, etc. etc. etc.
So I keep walking along and I see that scooter guy had driven into the post office parking lot to drop off mail at the outdoor mailboxes. Ok, I think to myself, he made a quick stop at the post office before going wherever he's going. As I get to the corner to cross the street to the post office, I see him come out and head back in my direction...and head back down the street from which I was coming. I stood at the corner and turned back to watch him. Sure enough, he gets to the driveway from which he came and was signalling to turn back into it waiting on an oncoming car.
This son of a bitch got on a scooter to drive his letter a mere half block to the goddamn post office!!!!
I couldn't believe it. Meanwhile, here I was doing a 30-minute roundtrip walk to drop off my Netflix.