I was feeling really tired and out of it early on Halloween evening, but I didn't want to disappoint
brain_o_shaner. We never got around to putting any Halloween decorations up, but he'd gone out and spent some time looking for something as a Halloween costume and even got caught in the rain while out and about. We didn't get candy so we didn't have anything to give out, so I figured the costume he got had to be put to some use. He got a Devo costume on sale, it being Halloween and all. :)
So I was able to pop my fever and we donned some getups and went downtown. Not much was happening, but considering we won't have a car for a few weeks yet, our options were limited. We did end up at a club on the Riverwalk holding a costume contest. Not a whole pile of people there, but there were some cool costumes. We snapped some pictures, mainly of this contingent of Star Wars figures and a couple of women dressed as the Blues Brothers.
It was nice to get out for a couple of hours. We got there early and I thought hey! If few people show up maybe
brain_o_shaner can win the $500 costume contest. No dice once the Star Wars people showed up. We got out of there an hour before the contest since we had a last bus to catch. We came home and watched a short silent movie whose name I'm too lazy to go over to see right now, but the name "Dr. Caligari" is in the title. Went to sleep soon after that.
Not the best of Halloweens, but not the worst either.
brain_o_shaner was a sweetheart and went out very early to the grocery store to get me juice and meds and gave me hugs when I needed them. What else can one ask for when sick eh? :)
Off to try and get some sleep so I can get up for work tomorrow...