Mar 29, 2010 12:03


Name seven of your characters/muses
1) Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail)
2) Utena Tenjou (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
3) God Eye Galatea (Claymore)
4) Minako Aino (Sailor Moon)
5) Tifa Lockhart (Final Fantasy VII Compilation)
6) Oerba Yun Fang (Final Fantasy XIII)
7) Yuma (Claymore)

Cut for size... )

robyn talks too much, !public, roleplaying: rivelata, roleplaying: squarewarts, !meme

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synergizing March 31 2010, 13:20:47 UTC
Yeah, I can see it both ways. I think she's selfish (or unforgivably devoted, is what one of my friends said), but not so much cunning? She's really witty, though. But she's also straightforward and to the point. It's like she doesn't care about being sneaky.

And she's like...so laid-back that I can't see her being ambitious. So I think her Gryff traits: recklessness, bravery, pride...trumped her biggest Slytherin traits: moments of cunning, selfishness ...for the mods at least. It's a small loss. I'm still 50/50 on it though. XD I still need a Slytherin in my roster. Maybe I will dust off an OC and AU-ify them.

lol Harry Potter houses are hard, I think. idk if they accurately portray realistic people. That's why Fang was kind of hard to sort because she's like...really multi-faceted. She's unique. Like, the friend of mine...she apped Vanille and it's like, lmao what House do you even put Vanille in? She's a complicated young lady.

And she pointed out Gryffindor have the capability to be terrible human beings, but you don't see it in the books 'cause the books are so unfairly skewed to favor Gryffindor. I can think of a couple of characters from anime that would be Gryffindor, and both of them are crazy: Father Anderson from Hellsing would be a fanatic crusader Gryffindor, and pre-Awakening Priscilla from Claymore would be the same way.

Even Utena, who I play and is inherently a good person...has the capability to do really selfish things (and has).

I-I don't like Gryffindor in the books. :C

Here I am, with tl;dr.


phonestrap March 31 2010, 14:07:59 UTC
Well, of course Gryffindors have the capacity to be terrible human beings; Peter Pettigrew was pretty much a dirtbag and he was a Gryffindor. In fact, every House can produce their own little brand of terrible human beings.

I feel like those are kind of misunderstandings about the Slytherin House -- the sneaky and witty aspects. You'd think that wit is more of a Ravenclaw trait, except for some reason, people associate that type of acid-like wit with Slytherins. And the sneakiness thing. I don't particularly think Slytherins are born sneaky or whatever; I just think that they are willing to do whatever it takes as long as it achieves their desired result in the end. If doing so requires being sneaky or underhanded, then so be it.

Gryffindors and Slytherins have a lot of overlapping traits -- ruthlessness, pride, a particular disregard for the rules... those can be Slytherin qualities as well. Fang's undying loyalty for one person inspires her to ascend to great heights in order to protect or save her, just as Snape's and Narcissa's had, and if given a choice, if she'd rather see Cocoon destroyed or Vanille killed, she'd most definitely say, "Screw Cocoon, save Vanille." A Gryffindor, I'd feel, would probably say, "I'll save them both; I will find a way to save them both, and even if one doesn't exist, I will find one," which I don't think Fang would ever say if forced to that point.

Oh, Fang -- she lacks those crucial, defining characteristics of both Houses. Vanille is a Hufflepuff, Hope is a Ravenclaw, Snow is a Gryffindor, and Sazh, I think he's a Ravenclaw, too. But... the worst is Lightning. I still can't place her and I don't think she's fully Gryffindor material either.


synergizing March 31 2010, 16:41:14 UTC
I don't particularly think Slytherins are born sneaky or whatever; I just think that they are willing to do whatever it takes as long as it achieves their desired result in the end. If doing so requires being sneaky or underhanded, then so be it.

Gryffindors and Slytherins have a lot of overlapping traits -- ruthlessness, pride, a particular disregard for the rules... those can be Slytherin qualities as well. Fang's undying loyalty for one person inspires her to ascend to great heights in order to protect or save her, just as Snape's and Narcissa's had, and if given a choice, if she'd rather see Cocoon destroyed or Vanille killed, she'd most definitely say, "Screw Cocoon, save Vanille."

This is familiar, 'cause...idk if you've seen Utena, but I feel the same way about her but she is like...inherently a Gryffindor to me. I think at the end of the day, she'd choose that one person over everything else. And she did at the end of the series, it just had the added benefit of helping everyone else. She only fought to save Anthy, but that act made like, everyone else start changing and whatnot.

But I dunno if that makes her a Slytherin...it's hard to explain. Utena wouldn't be underhanded about saving Anthy, which is the same way I feel about Fang to Vanille -- she's unforgivably devoted, not outright selfish. She's really like, honest and unashamed. I mean, she does bad things, but she admits to it, and the person she's admitting it to either has to take it or leave it. I do think her flippancy about it is Slytherin-like, but at the same time I'm not sure. I am not really sure she WANTS Lightning and Co. to be hurt either. I think she wants to prevent that, and that part of the reason she is traveling with them is not just for Vanille, but for that little circle of allies too. I do think she hates what Cocoon represents, and she hates the Fal'Cie. But isn't this because of what happened to Gran Pulse? Then again...I am not done with the game. This is just the impression I'm getting.

I think a Slytherin would be more...subtle about it? Like, I think during that scene where Lightning talked to Fang about Serah, a Slytherin would've like...said they had nothing to do with it, whereas Fang was like, "lol yeah that was me and Vanille. My bad." And kind of accepted that Lightning would probably beat the shit out of her. HRRGH idk. I'm reluctant to put really multi-faceted characters into these little boxes. I'm still torn. I think she has traits of both Houses. I wish I could just be like SHE IS IN BOTH.

See I do not think Vanille is a Hufflepuff! She's loyal, but like...really only to Fang. She lies for Fang, she allows horrible things to happen to other people for Fang. She feels bad about it, yeah, but idk if a Hufflepuff would be so sneaky. And that cheerful stuff that Hufflepuff are known for, that's mostly a front for Vanille.

On the other hand, she doesn't strike me as a Slytherin, because of how guilty she is about the whole shebang, and the way she is pretty much willing to die as recompense. That sacrificial nature, and the way she eventually stands up and tries to make things right is def. Gryffindor to me. But I do not think she fits there either.

And her narration is like music to my ears...especially after Tidus' fumbling, obnoxious narration. Her introduction to Gran Pulse was like poetry! She's clearly bright, even though she doesn't seem that way all the time. But she doesn't have a thirst for knowledge, I think...so Ravenclaw is out.

Sazh is a Ravenclaw (I love Sazh ;; I want to RP him one day), and I think Hope is too. Snow is the quintessential Gryffindor. Raitoningu ( I keep calling her this for the lulz) I think is a Gryffindor. She doesn't have all the traits of a Gryffindor, but she doesn't have many of the traits of the other Houses either.

There should just be a fifth House for like, really really sexy people. And the XIII cast could go in there.


synergizing March 31 2010, 16:41:34 UTC
Oh my god this was long. Why do I talk so much?


phonestrap March 31 2010, 21:09:43 UTC
I've seen a couple of random episodes of Utena so I have some understanding of the plot, but not too much. XD;

Actually, I don't understand where this idea that Hufflepuffs are happy and cheerful come from; there is no canon basis to support that and it is just as absurd as the idea that all Slytherins are evil or that all Gryffindors are good. Anyways, I actually really think Vanille is a Hufflepuff. Other than loyalty, Hufflepuffs value fairness and tolerance, which I think Vanille has an abundance of. She is the first in the duo to realize and understand that people from Cocoon are people, too, even though they were raised to think that those from Cocoon are the devil's spawn, evil, the thieves of Gran Pulse's natural resources, the destroyer of Gran Pulse, and so forth. Even when she's with people she's supposed to consider her enemies, the people who distrusts and practically hates anything Pulse, those people being Hope and Sazh, she still exhibits understanding, comforts them in their moments of weakness, encourages them, and extends her hand in friendship towards them. Furthermore, I also think she lacks the strength and personal resolve that Gryffindors are characterized by. When given the choice to either fight or run twice in the game, she'd rather run, and that she did, continuously, and it wasn't until she reached Gran Pulse itself that she finally stopped running. You know how you said that the way Fang confesses her crimes, that seems to be a defining point for her as Gryffindor? Vanille lacks that, not just Fang's flippant nature, but because Vanille never willingly confesses her crimes and she is forced to do so by the other people who expose her and her lies. Sure, Vanille offers her life to repay for what she has done, but how does that solve anything? Fang, on the other hand, offers Lightning both the chance to confront her for her crimes and gives Lightning an alternative path, some form of hope that Serah can come back, and in effect, an actual form of salvation. But Vanille, she offers her life, and Sazh is right -- "Don't you even! You think you die and everything will be sugar and rainbows?" A Gryffindor would never accept that, I think. And she consistently lacks this strength and resolve and I have a really strong reason for this (and push for Hufflepuff!), but I can't explain further because I don't know how far you are in the game and I don't want to spoil you. :(

lmao Tidus. Sometimes, I feel bad about my strong dislike for him and want to replay the game just to see if, you know, after I've "matured" and so forth, do I still find him as aggravating; I have a feeling I will. XDD

Oh, Lightning. I'm going to need further deliberation on that before I can finally figure out what House she belongs in... The Farron sisters are really hard to place for me.


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