I'm bored at work.
Years roleplaying: on livejournal, about five years. counting aim, about seven years. counting general insanity and groupthink style 'imaginary friends,' all my life. so really, take your pick.
Least favorite character?: ....I love all my characters or I wouldn't play them.
Male or female characters?: I'm currently in a dead heat male to female, which suits me very well. I used to be much more male-leaning... probably because my earlier rp fandoms were just kind of low on the female characters in general?
Oldest character played?: actually, that would be Tsuzuki Asato (Yami no Matsuei). Just not on LJ.
Longest character played?: Himura Rikuou (Lawful Drug) Going into my fourth year at cfud lkfdansdsaaa
Newest character?: Ryuu F. Kazuhiko (CLOVER) ♥
Which character of yours would be most likely to...
Jump off a bridge?: If we mean suicide, then Tsuzuki. If we mean action/adventure, Kazuhiko.
Get drunk and pass out?: Also Tsuzuki.
Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way?: Dru (BtVS)
Be far too hyper for their own good?: Ahiru (Princess Tutu)
Be raped?: .......Tsuzuki.
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions?: Brainiac 5 (Legion of Superheroes)
Get lung cancer?: Kazuhiko. Unless they've fixed that in the future.
Star in a horror movie?: Bela Talbot (Supernatural)
Star in a whore movie?: Daisy Adair (Dead Like Me)
Star in a video game?: Brainy?
Make the world a better place?: Ahiru.
Have a torrid gay love affair?: Rikuou.
Relate each word to a character of yours:
Love - Kinomoto Toya (Card Captor Sakura)
Hate - Dru.
Money - Bela.
Seduction - Hali Kang (I.N.V.U.)
Lies - Daisy or Tsuzuki.
Tragedy - Tsuzuki.
Manipulation - Bela or Hali.
Violence - Dru.
Politics - Polly Perks (Monstrous Regiment)
Fire - ....Tsuzuki.
Ice - Doumeki Shizuka (xxxHolic)
....MAN. Noyamano Ringo (Air Gear) and Mihashi Ren (Oofuri) didn't even get a mention XD;;
Would you ever...
Play a prostitute?: Absolutely.
Play a musician?: Absolutely.
Play a pilot?: ...gundam? No. Otherwise yes.
Play a homosexual?: YA THINK?
Play a pedophile?: Depends. I would (and kind of DO, depending on where you draw the line between philia/rast etc) play an older person in love with a younger person. But someone who is generally attracted to kids? P-Probably not.
Play a politician?: Absolutely. ...we're still talking about fictional people here, right?
Create a muse for the sole purpose of smut?: Not solely.
Play a character who commits incest?: I don't like power imbalances, but if that's not an issue, then absolutely.