Sep 12, 2013 20:36
I went and talked to my therapist yesterday. It turned out to be something I needed a lot. I rarely feel so completely overwhelmed by things as I do now and he helped me sort through enough of it. Anyway, the short gist of it is that, well, everything is fine.
I know this sounds a bit weird, after all the stressing I've done, but strangely enough it is, and the reason is all to do with all the indicators of my mental health going into a massive nosedive. None of them are really being activated. In fact, quite the opposite.
My sleeping pattern hasn't gone to hell. I'm getting enough hours of regular sleep and I forgot that I even suffer from occasional insomnia. I stopped eating sugar completely just before I started and, although I've picked up a little, I haven't felt any burning desire to binge. I've been going to Zumba classes twice a week and one of them is the Sunday session, which is super hard, so I'm also getting fitter. Even at work, although things are not perfect, I'm getting some positive feedback.
So I'm in one of these bizarre times where, as long as I feel bad, and I'm allowed to feel bad, everything is fine.