For the last week now I have had bad RSI in both wrists which has been stopping me from working and from using computers. I have been going nuts because I was pouring myself into my work and now I can't work and did I say it's driving me nuts? Can't use computers even. How did people cope without computers before? Well, I'm coping with judicious quantities of Anime. I seem to have quite a collection. And socialising:
neoanjou kept me company on Sat and helped me choose some books.
Appleseed is really good film: amazing CG, nice plot exploring what it means to be human without being sentimental, beautiful action sequences and gorgeous architecture. Anime seems to have lots of gorgeous architecture in it. It's a shame it only exists to get blown up. *shakes fist*
Typing with a pencil is really slow and annoying and I can't hold a train of thought long enough before I get bored. I could so do with sticky shift keys...
I hate the Bham accounting system, may it burn in hell. Preferably after I've extracted this year's pay.