VID: SG-1, "Talk Show Host"

Sep 09, 2006 01:01

For taselby, who informed me after seeing the first forty-five seconds or so that she was planting a flag on this video and claiming it. *g*

Talk Show Host [14.9MB, divx] SG-1, season 6; Jack is having a very bad year, and it's starting to show. you want me? fucking well come and find me; i'll be waiting with a gun and a pack of sandwiches.(My music ( Read more... )

vid, sg1

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Comments 63

darthneko September 9 2006, 05:25:53 UTC
O.O Oooookay, I could watch that about thirty times in a row to let all the layers of it sink in. Mew! That is great, and I stand in lust envy awe of your vidding skills.


synecdochic September 9 2006, 05:30:48 UTC
Thank you! I can only see the flaws with it, man, but I know you know how that works. *g*

(Ah, season 6. The Year of Jack Fails To Cope.)


advection September 9 2006, 05:34:47 UTC
Oh, no, that didn't hit any weapons-kink or lonely-tired-battered-soldier or omg!hot!Jack buttons at all. Nope. Not one.


synecdochic September 9 2006, 05:44:26 UTC
Not at all. (I, uh, might happen to share them. Just a little. A very little. Uh-huh. Just a tiny bit.)

I blame iTunes for this one; I let it loose on random on the master playlist for the first time in months, and the second song it pulled was this one. And I thought, huh, you know, that's pretty much season 6 Jack right there. AND THE NEXT THING YOU KNOW.

(Thank you. *g*)


advection September 9 2006, 05:51:07 UTC
Perfect song. Serendipity roolz.

I am inarticulate with the bitter 'This is Jack. This is Jack Without Daniel. Any questions?' heartbreak, btw.

And in love with the way the layers work in the vid -- the music, the lyrics, the text, the visuals, the cuts, the rhythm. ::goes back to watch again::


synecdochic September 9 2006, 05:58:28 UTC
I spent a lot of season 6 really pissed off at Daniel. It was a vague comfort to know that Jack was, too. *g*

sarahq called it more of a graphic novel than a music video, which I really liked. (Would you believe I did all the layering of the text and the visual effects manually? Yeah, this one took about an hour for every ten seconds of video. Made even worse by the fact that my computer hates rendering partial transparency.) I started with the Fight Club quote at the beginning, and I was going to stop using text after that, but I loved the feel of it so much that I just kept going. And I'm glad I did, because as much of a bitch as it was to come up with a "script" for the vid, I love the way it came out; bitter, angry Jack shooting things, snarling at people, and all the time thinking about how much he'd trade just about anything to have Daniel back again. Season 6 Jack, man, he just breaks my heart.


green_grrl September 9 2006, 05:38:35 UTC
jwrksdflpktmr *flails*

I'm watching this over and over for the rest of the night while I wait for the SG1 and SGA downloads. Guh! Love!

(So, Taselby claimed it. Do you think she'd mind if I just humped it? Only a little?)


synecdochic September 9 2006, 05:45:14 UTC
*giggle* Thank you! And you'll have to ask Taselby, but I think she's probably willing to share. ;)


green_grrl September 9 2006, 07:53:58 UTC
*still flailing* My favorite? "I admire you. I admire you. I love you. I admire you."

(Of course! I am such a romance/angst h0r!)

*goes back to pushing replay*


synecdochic September 9 2006, 07:59:19 UTC
I think that's one of my favorites, too. (That and "that's where you're wrong". Because that's the only reference to "Abyss" I made in the entire vid; it's the only one I allowed myself to make in the entire vid, because Jack's Not Thinking About It, At All.) (And, can I just take a moment of vidder self-congratulation and point out that I lined up the letters on both sets of text, even though the middle word is of different length? okay, done patting myself on the back now, really. *g*)

But man, Jack. JACK.


starglyph September 9 2006, 06:09:23 UTC
Okay. I really wanna see this. I am totally clueless regarding vids. Unless they're on youtube. *Hope you'll put it there* But my ibook has nothing to play any vids out there. There's so many formats, I've never even heard of divx.

If possible point me to 'How To Grok Vids' website or other suggestions.

Otherwise will be rereading comments, wistfully sighing and swearing constantly.



synecdochic September 9 2006, 06:12:32 UTC
Go to and download vlc -- it is like the only playback program you will ever need. Ever. I have yet to find a single video type, other than the proprietary ones like Windows Media and RealPlayer, that it can't handle. :)


starglyph September 9 2006, 06:23:43 UTC
Thank you! Will do,


starglyph September 9 2006, 15:27:14 UTC
You made me cry dammit! At 8:00 a.m. This the definition of Jack. This is awesome. Wounded heart, wounded body. Is this not the hottest man on the planet? Shit oh dear!

Thanks for the playback download link. It will take monumental willpower on my part, not to spend the next few weeks watching vids.

I can't write about this Jack, strong, angry, wounded body and soul. But this is how I see Jack (MY Jack).

Thanks for capturing the moments, even if it broke my heart some.



hack_benjamin22 September 9 2006, 06:44:53 UTC
So far I've only watched it once...and I have no words. Well, alright, thats not true. I just don't have any to accurately tell you how much I *heart* this. (Plus I love Radiohead.) The season six Jack was painful to watch, in fact, all of season six was painful to watch. I spent most of angry at someone. I could rant forever, but I won't 'cause it's a neverending thing. But seriously I really just wanted to let you know that This. Really. Rocks.

P.S.: I totally envy your editing skills liek whoa. ^^


hack_benjamin22 September 9 2006, 06:51:40 UTC
It's my fourth or fifth time through and I really want to go read angsty season six fics. You have completely poisoned my mind. Thank you


synecdochic September 9 2006, 07:25:44 UTC
Thank you! I firmly encourage ranting in my comments, in case you haven't realized yet, so please, if you'd like to sally forth, feel free. *g*

Season six Jack, man. He was never really quite all right after that; it broke him, and it never quite put him back together.


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