
May 22, 2006 05:09

You know how there are stories that you really, really want to read? The stories that push your buttons exactly, and you can see how they'd work out in your head, but you only want to read them from certain authors and with certain setups, because what you want to see is so very, very specific that it'd really just be easier to write them yourself ( Read more... )

sg1, meta

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and now I ramble erilyn May 22 2006, 11:44:26 UTC
I've only recently got back into SG1 after drifting away in S5 and only seeing it occasionally, and haven't been reading fic in the last few years, so I have no idea what the general fandom characterisation is these days *g*.

Here's a story I want to read (or see, dammit) - Daniel finally getting to Atlantis. The SGA crew have mostly lost that sense of wonder, Atlantis has been fairly demystified on the show (without much justification), but Daniel should finally get his payoff.

Also, McKay and Jonas (with or without the slash). Their little bit of interaction in Redemption cracks me the hell up, I could go for more of that.

I also have a real thing for outing/coming out stories. I've never found that many in popslash that really satisfy me. I want a meaty long Howie/Nick story that deals with this. Or the kind of wacky one where both Lance and Chris come out, but they're not a couple and never have been. But people don't believe that there could be two not-straight guys in the group and them not hook up, plus it turns out that lots of teenage girls really like the idea, and suddenly they're seeing "Chris + Lance 4 eva!!!1!" signs at concerts and TRL appearances, and there are not so subtle suggestions coming from Jive.


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