the state of the me

Nov 12, 2010 05:20

* So, shortly after my previous entry about the awfulness and evilness that was physical therapy, I pretty much stopped going. (When I called to cancel that last apointment I had scheduled, the lady on the phone was all, "oh, $therapist just left for the day, but I can have her call you tomorrow to discuss this --" and I was like, look, lady, when I started with you guys three weeks ago it only hurt when I put weight on it, and now three weeks later it hurts all the time, I can't so much as move without wanting to die, I've had to quintuple my painkiller use and I still want to die from the pain, and I'm not sleeping more than an hour at a time because the pain keeps waking me. I don't really want to talk about it, because there's not a whole lot she's gonna be able to say other than useless apologies and/or insinuating that I'm either crazy or overreacting. So thanks, I'll pass, just gimme the end of treatment workup, no really, stop trying to browbeat me into being a Good and Compliant Crip™. Argh. (She wouldn't take no for an answer, either. I had to be rude.)

* On the bright side, a) that was nearly two weeks ago and it has been getting slowly better now that we're not fucking with it daily, and b) the hip doctor, whom I re-visited today, did not play the Bad Crip card at me. (Not only that, he actually apologized.) I think he's a keeper. Next step: bone scan. *sigh* Although he didn't seem very sanguine that it would find anything, he wants to rule out the possibility of bone damage. I'm really close to saying 'fuck it' on trying to figure out what the root cause of all this is and just deciding to live with the pain, although I'm not quite there yet. (Very close, though.)

* I have had about ten bars of the Lauridsen O Magnum Mysterium wedged in my head for the past week or so. To the point where I'm hearing it even when I'm listening to something else entirely. At least my mental radio has good taste?

* New item up at The Faultless Pajama Foundry: the Jewelry Special Mystery Box. Since the regular Mystery Box has been selling so well -- we've sold like five of them so far -- I thought it might be cool to do a similar thing with jewelry-only. $99 gets you between 7-10 pieces of jewelry similar to what's listed elsewhere in the shop; unless otherwise specified at checkout or via an Etsy convo after purchase, boxes will contain at least one pair of earrings, one necklace, and one bracelet. It's a minimum $150 value at standard shop prices, too. Perfect for holiday gifts for the indecisive!

* There will be a massive FPF update this weekend --
sarah spent like four hours photographing things today and only got through the first pass on half of what we have. I counted; it's over a hundred items. We have been very, very, very busy little bees. Mostly because when everything is exploding and/or painful and/or annoying the ever-loving shit out of me, sitting down and just creating something gives me one small tiny spot of joy. I mean, you get to hold something physical in your hands and think: I made this. It didn't exist, and now it does, and I was the one who called it into being. That's pretty good at dispelling a lot of the wanting-to-die.

* I am not entirely sure how this happened, but I appear to be reading Buffy fic this week. WTF?

* oh my god we're buying a house. (This has been a constant refrain in chez Faultless Pajama for the past few weeks.) The closing is in 10 days (ok, 10 days 9 hours 41 minutes at the moment I'm typing this) and it's starting to sink in that yeah, we really are doing this. We bought some artwork for the new house tonight. I really do not know how to internalize the fact that in 10 days, I will be a homeowner.

* It's a wicked fucking cool house, though.

Like the previous update, I will end this one by saying that I am desperately behind on any correspondance that isn't DW-related (and some that is). This is ... not likely to change any time in the next few weeks, considering what we have in front of us. I'm sorry to anyone who's waiting to hear back from me!

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disability, faultless pajama foundry, my life

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