a little game that has amused me this evening

Mar 21, 2008 00:59

That whole "LJ timeline" thing going around has gotten me all nostalgic for the good old days of wank. It also got me thinking: just how much have news comments changed over the years? And hey, I've been bored, so I've gone back and reread ... way, way too many old news posts. Way too many.

So, a game. Here are five quotes! They are all taken from comments to news posts. Your job: read them and decide if they were left in 2001/2002, or 2007/2008.

Some very minor light redaction has been done to avoid giving the answers away straight up front, and most of them (though not all of them) are excerpted from longer comments.

"I can't see how this new feature is practically designed to make our experience here more efficient; it seems like an add-on that will only slow things down significantly."


"Any major changes to the codebase that will affect the way the users interact with LJ needs to be announced before the change goes live. Otherwise, you end up with confused/frustrated users, needless support requests, and lots of back-chatter in other journals. Plus, it's just basic customer/client support procedure. If you're going to do something that may impact usability (even if briefly), you warn your users first."


"I may be a free user, but I am quite valuable."


"But why can't they have answered the question in a straightforward manner? Instead, the answer as given is rude and disrespectful. [...] paying customers should never be insulted for asking honest questions of a business."


"Makes you wonder about the professionalism of those at LJ. . .and thats just the PUBLIC face, I won't even talk about trying to deal with people when you have a more detailed problem."

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