New community: fic_commons

Jul 04, 2007 16:37

I've said for a while in my operating assumptions about my fiction that anyone's welcome to play with my stuff, and that my stuff is all licensed under Creative Commons. I believe that we, as creative people, are all participating in a creative dialog. I write something that makes you think "hey, wouldn't it be cool if I riffed off of that", and then you post a sequel or a remix or something that makes me think, hey, there's something in there that I want to play with, and in the end, everyone who's watching gets more stuff out of the conversation.

gateverse_remix and my participation in it -- my remix of Komos, brainofck's remix of me -- has proven to me once again the thing that I've had illustrated over and over and over again -- that our work here is a dialog, not a broadcast mechanism; that when we all team up, we produce a whole that's greater than the sum of its parts; that playing in other people's sandboxes is fun and having people play in yours is fascinating.

I've been thinking for a while of starting up some kind of perpetual remix, for people who want to say: hey, yeah, write in my universe! write that sequel to the story I just posted! write that from another character's perspective if you want! And I realized: why limit it to just fiction? We should include art, and art made from fic, and vids made from art, and fic made from vids, and etc, etc, etc.

So I made fic_commons. It's a bit of a misnomer: it's really for all forms of creative dialog, not just fic. But it's for people to say "here, play with my stuff", and people to go find stuff to play with. It's a pan-fandom, multiple-medium toybox.

No clue if this is going to take off or pan out or be at all successful. But I figured: let's try. If the thought of playing with other people's work and letting people play with yours appeals to you, go post an offering and let's see what we come up with. :)
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